Angelika SUMMA

Angelika SUMMA

About The Artist

lives in Würzburg/Germany, since 1986 as a freelance sculptor. Preferred material is metall, in all forms and manifestations whether thin wire or thick pipe. All techniques wich are necessary to achieve the desired goal of a harmonious and interesting sculpture: from knitting to weld. In summer 2010 scholarship holder at the international summer academy of fine art and hoke school hortus niger with mag. art josef schützenhöfer prizes: 1995: Culture Award of the City of Würzburg/Germany. 998/99: Studio Support Program of the Free State of Bavaria 2010: Paul-Wilke-Studio Grant of the City of Bremerhaven/Germ. 2014: PEMA Art Prize of the Kunstverein Bayreuth/Germany 2014: Culture Prize of the City of Würzburg/Germany 2015: Art Prize of the City of Ansbach/Germany (2nd Prize) Since 1986 numerous solo and group exhibitions. Photo: SCULPTON, 2014, wire, d = 80 cm