About The Artist

Roshanak khalilian’s evoking paintings reflect her interest in different cultures and their interpretations of happiness and life. The long history of gold infuses her work, being a reference to celebrate the hope of mankind anticipated in the course of its history. “For me, Gold is not only the shiny metal that enriches everything it covers and certainly not only the proof of sophistication, wealth and power. It’s tale and significance has enchanted me for many years and is now encapsuled in the essence of my works. My works evoke contrasting and even conflicting feelings and experiences: hope and death, wealth and poverty, joy and sadness, the light and the dark aspects of hope in life. They reflect the ambiguity and fullness of human nature and power of hope. Within challenging techniques I experiment with abstraction, exploring the significance of gold and its long journey throughout life and history. I attempt to create a luminous atmosphere, to represent hope as the strongest element.” Roshi Roshi’s philosophy by quoting what she wants to say with her art: “Life is beautiful, live it up!”