Donald Weiss

Donald Weiss

About The Artist

I have been taking photos with an "artistic" intent for about 25 years. I first used a Minolta 35 mm camera. I have many beautiful images, mostly from travels to Paris & other areas of France & Italy. I the purchased a Casio hand held camera, I was happy with the ease of use & a special feature on that particular camera called Best Shot - it took a painterly image. I have not found it on any other cameras with this setting & they do not make the camera anymore. I am now working exclusively on the i phone &, because of health & financial issues, I had been mostly home. I started taking screen shots, modifying them & creating what I call Multis - mostly with 12 square images - 3 across & 4 down on each. All my images are signed, dated & numbered. Most images are open editions. I had been a real estate owner & now work on projects, most included in my “Ideas for Change” -,,,,, +++ I have been appointed by Marquis as a member of their Who's Who in the World & Who's Who in America & received a lifetime achievement award. All images are custom made so prices will depend on size & medium. They start at $25 for an image on 8 1/2 x 11 card stock. An image like one from the Las Vegas Abstract Expressions Series on aluminum (they are striking this way) 2.5 ft x 18” framed is $500 Others will be much less as cprints or canvas. Please contact me by text or calling 917 923-2441 or by email - & let me know which image(s) you are interested in & I will give you the price. Donald (like our supreme eternal leader) Weiss 917 923-2441