by Anna Maria Giordano

Artwork Description

Cabaret - Private Collection

0.0 x 0.0

Cabaret, acrylic on mason wood, 40 x 50 cm, 2014 • awarded “1° Grand Prix de la Cote d’Azur”, April 2015, Cannes • published in the n. 2/2015 of the magazine Effetto Arte and in the n.10/2015 of the magazine Biancoscuro. A great skill in transfiguring the abstract, with very good versatility and astonishment aimed at the research of an emotive project. The artist creates her characterized and symbolic intuitive projections, by superimposing signs and symbols of rich material drawing up. (Jean Charles Spina, in conjunction with the awarding of the “1° Grand Prix de la Côte d’Azur”, Cannes Palace Hotel, April 2015) Una grande capacità esecutiva nella trasfigurazione dell’astratto, con ottima versatilità e stupore rivolto alla ricerca di un progetto emotivo. L’Artista crea la sua intuitiva proiezione caratteriale e simbolica, sovrapponendo segni e simboli dalla ricca stesura materica. (Jean Charles Spina, in occasione del conferimento del “1° Grand Prix de la Côte d’Azur”, Cannes Palace Hotel, aprile 2015) Une grande capacité exécutive dans la transfiguration de l’abstrait, avec très bonne versatilité et étonnement adressé à la recherche d’un projet émotif. L’Artiste crée son intuitive projection caractérielle et symbolique, en superposant signes et symboles de riche rédaction matérique. (Jean Charles Spina, à l’occasion du décernement du “1° Grand Prix de la Côte d’Azur”, Cannes Palace Hôtel, avril 2015)

Artwork Details

