Carlos Alvarez Cotera

Carlos Alvarez Cotera

About The Artist

Born in La Havana, Cuba in 1966. Lived in Costa Rica for 4 years since the age of 14 and in the US since 1985. At a very early age I became very interested in drawing and have never stopped since. As it turns out, this became the strongest foundation in becoming the artist I am today. I have no formal training and I have not read any art books. My ability to do what I do comes from much experimenting, a lot of messing up, watching other artists and asking questions. I strongly believe in doing all of my work freehand and refuse to use any type of aids such as, tracing, grids, projectors and the like. I have experimented with many different forms of art; from pencil drawing, watercolor, acrylic and oil to jewelry making, working with clay and creating tile mosaics, plus a few other things in between, however, for the most part, I have concentrated mostly on painting in the last few years. ?I have been blessed to be able to dedicate my life to do that which I believe I was born to do; and I have been privileged to teach others for many years now. As a teacher, it is my goal to help others improve their ability to see; seeing that which has become second-nature to me. In the last 16 years as a professional artist, I have owned and ran a Gallery/Frame shop; I have been represented by galleries, I have been part of many exhibits, been featured in may articles, my work is in private, public and corporate collections and I have won many awards. None of this is that important, it is here just to let you know a bit about my history. As grateful as I am for everything, nothing matters more than the opportunity to use my art to express life and share it with others.