Stefano Amedeo Moriani

Stefano Amedeo Moriani

About The Artist

Stefano Amedeo Moriani. Born on December 6, 1986 he graduated from Liceo Artistico in Forlì and attended Accademia di Belle Arti in Ravenna and Venezia with specialization in Painting. He won various national painting and graphic awards (Caviro 2004 advertising campaign) and exhibited his works in many collectives: Oratorio di San Sebastiano in Forlì (2007), Variabili Minime c/o Galleria EMME DI a Ravenna (2008), Castello di Sant’Agata Feltria (2008), La Pittura è Bellissima c/o Garo exhibition space in Forlimpopoli (FC) (2012). He curated his personal exhibition Preludio a Niente c/o the showroom in Forlimpopoli (2013), solo show at Wundergrafik art studio in Forlì (2016). He lives and works in Forlì.