by Angel Diaz

Artwork Description


0.0 x 0.0

Multimedia on wood panel 48” X 48”, 2" 2006 During the nineties, USA troops led a number of invasions throughout various countries around the world. To justify this, the USA (led by president George Bush Jr.) self proclaimed our country, as the guardian of worldwide democracy. Intended originally as a short-term demonstration of North American power and influence, some of the invasions (like the Iraq war) took longer and brought chaos and destruction to the invaded countries, leaving a trail of turmoil and disruption in their wake. This chaotic aftermath has many similar and familiar parallels in history. This work is a reflection of that moment within our history…. A perfect, 48” x 48”, square creates a number of circular and rectangular elements depicting symbolic and numerical references of intrusion. Moving from top to bottom familiar symbols confront the viewer. As one travels through the images a path of apocalyptic destruction is revealed. Despite this, the bright yellow box at journeys end contains a message of hope. From the top left corner13 holes carve a path to the right. These holes are broken into two groups, representing grace (#5) and “new beginnings” (#8). The first group of holes is hollow showing their original state. Rays of light crown them. The other groups of eight are filled with corroded one-dollar bills to represent the power of imperialism. At the top center, three single sheets rise above the central composition. The center sheet shows President George Bush Jr. as “Person of the Year” on the cover of Time Magazine 2004 who is flanked by two translucent sheets. The left one has the word DEMOCRAZY imprinted in all caps. The right one depicts a world map with a directional arrow pointing downward towards a path of flaming fire over a spinning wheel containing a swastika. The symbol and the colors of the German National Socialist Party are purposely used to evoke the fear and terror associated with historical human rights violations. The heart of the swastika is a Texas insignia. Three mirrors, sit on top of both images. They are positioned in a Trinitarian formation at viewer level, in order to reflect the viewer's image and to make the viewer an active participant. At the bottom right of the composition is a “Banana Republic” sign - the aftermath of intrusive policies. It is slightly corroded by the images above; however, hope and endurance are represented by a golden bright yellow hue. Although this paining is filled with negative connotations, it aims to create awareness of otherwise often overlooked social and human rights issues as well as political decisions and their devastating consequences.

Artwork Details

