Maria Teresa Guala

Maria Teresa Guala

About The Artist

Maria Teresa Guala was born in Turin 1947, is coming from a family of painters and sculptors of “Monferrato” her father painter and designer was the curator of “ TORINO ESPOSIZIONI”. In the past years ’60 studied at Accademia Belle Arti of Turin (drawing nudes) and at the studio of Filippo Scroppo. Owing to her work of translator with important industries, neglected her activity of artist for same period, at the same time continued her participation to important exhibitions : Gallery Micrò Turin, Promotrice Belle Arti of Turin, Fiat cultural group etc. obtaining important recognition for the artist activity. Other exhibitions abroad, London, Bruxelles, Hamburg, N.Y., Insbruck, in Italy Venezia Palermo Padova, Piacenza, Lucca, etc. Dear friend the information you give me on your activity confirm you have no difficulty for your introduction in the Art world. I suggest you continue your activity of painter because there is “good stuff” in you. Vittorio Sgarbi some “stories” having as support plan some Expressionistic references, revive without doubt these works evocative in the extreme and in “a pictorial figure” as said in precedence-Neoexpressionist. In fact above all in the most recent works we find a far analogy with important painters of “Die Brucke” as Kirchner, Rottluff… Arturo Bottello … the expressive style of Maria Teresa Guala identifies herself with a search tied to the colour, to the intense flowing of the line and to the vital scansion of the images. In particular the painter has elaborated a speech in which the simplification of the representation results, as suggested by A. Bottello, by an adhesion to the German Expressionism … Angelo Mistrangelo