Mina Cappussi

Mina Cappussi

About The Artist

MINA CAPPUSSI (English) EMOTIONAL ART "We call as witness the Keepers of Time to sing the Infinite Beauty, from the depths of HimSelf to the immensity of the Universe, in the boundless Feel facets". Artist eclectic, Renaissance personality, creative all-round: writer, journalist, publisher, photographer and poet, is among the protagonists of the Poets of Action, one of the founders of the Metateismo Manifesto; has created a new poetic genre, the "Fotopoesia" which "photographs" the reality, "writing" images and visual fragmenting, and an innovative artistic movement, "Emotional Art": dreams and visions that spring to consciousness so that the viewer is recognized under. Square mirror in which everyone "sees" his reflection. A major solo exhibition at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage in Rome and at the Stadium of the Emperor Domitian in Piazza Navona. Her works travel around the world: New York, Dubai, Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), Barcelona, Paris, Berlin with prof. Philippe Daverio and prof. Giorgio Grasso in Bologna Expo, with Vittorio Sgarbi in Isernia, Call for Artists: Dave Bown Project. Inserted between Contemporary Artists of the New Renaissance Movement Of Metateismo, by Giorgio Mondadori publishing, exhibits with the Artists in Rome in the Santa Maria del Popolo Church and Jesus Church in via del Corso, with Rodolfo PAPA (Academician of the Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi al Pantheon Born as a writer, journalist and publisher (she directs seven newspapers and a daily newspaper), photographer, poet, always curious about the world and nature. Only recently the official breakthrough point (the “outing” as we say today) in the field of art and painting that resonates with stylistic research started from when she was very small, characterized by a post-modern period and a long phase featuring portraits, having demonstrated, as a child, an extraordinary sensitivity, creativity, and tendency to introspection that make her particularly prone to visual arts (she attended during the school education courses ceramic decoration, wood engraving, Japanese press etc ...) She writes, writes, writes short stories, poetry, novels, essays, and she is dedicated to photography with almost obsessive dedication, determined to capture that moment and point of observation, which acts as an intermediary between the world we see with our eyes and the invisible world that lies behind things and permeates everything, in a holistic view of existence. However, the interest in painting remains latent for many years, during which she successfully dedicated to portraiture and decoration. They are portraits of ordinary people, in which captures the intimate attitude, "reading" the story of the soul. All teachers of the Master in Health Management are immortalized in the notebooks of notes: specialization in Counseling and PhD in Family Mediation at the University Suor Orsola Benincasa and the Master in Juvenile Law at the University of Rome Sapienza support this particular predisposition to "see" the soul behind a face. The portraits become "readings" of the deep intimate emotional. Undertakes scientific studies first and then the economy. She graduated brilliantly at the Liceo Scientifico di Bojano and then at the Technical Institute for Surveyors and graduated with honors in Political Science 110. He attended the University at a profit, and between classes, and the other, she puts on a feast for sale, as other students do, in the clearing of University City, her creations decorated by hand. The interest is immediate, and the public response to say the least enthusiastic. At the first degree is followed by others, and an endless series of specializations, enhancements, post-graduate, master, academic degrees. Until the time comes, almost by accident, to overcome the portraiture and decoration, stylistically correct, agreeable, tasteful "bon ton", and to give voice to the hidden side of his personality, to bring out the monsters that move in, to give a surface to inspiration, to become "absence" in the creative process; begins to paint with increasing enthusiasm, having finally found, in addition to poetry and to Scripture, the right size to describe their perceptual world. Over the years she has published several books of fiction, poetry collections, essays, and the first Encyclopedic Dictionary of Italian Migration in the World. His poems have won numerous awards and are published in anthologies and magazines. Photography is his first passion, with excellent results and personal exhibitions. Today she combines painting and photography and has given birth to a new genre of poetry that "photographs" reality, "writing" and fragmenting visual images. It is 'the "Fotopoesia," song of the soul. She is still among the protagonists of the Poets of Action and among the signatories of the Manifesto of Metateismo. She exhibited at the Auditorium of Isernia and the Palazzo Ducale in Torrevecchia Teatina (CH) in the months of September and October 2014 The September 28, 2014 he won the PACI 2014 - Award of Isernia City Auditorium for the Poetry section, and get, in the same show, certificates of interest in Painting and Photography. She received official notification that she will be included in the publication CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS OF NEW RENAISSANCE, Movement Metateismo, GIORGIO MONDADORI editions, by prof. Giammarco Props, which will be in bookstores in March 2015. Selected and invited, will exhibit 10 to 20 May 2015, coinciding with the events of the Expo, in the space of the University of Arts and Sciences in Bergamo Alta (Vernissage May 10 at 18.00). One of her works was chosen to represent the continuing Italian Contemporary Art at the Italian Museum of Arts, MACIA (Museum of Contemporary Italian in America) in SAN JOSE COSTA RICA, which is home to, among others, the contributions of Franco Battiato. Selected, she will exhibit in New York (USA) at ART EXPO NEW YORK XXXVI edition from 23 to April 26, 2015 - PIER 94 NYC presented by Gallery Coronari 111 in Rome, with the painting "Creation". Selected, she exposes in DUBAI (UAE) from March 20 to April 4 for ITALIAN SOUL - CONTEMPORARY ART IN UAE - Inauguration in Dubai March 20, 2015 18:00 h in the prestigious hall of Don Alfonso 1890. Exposure to ABU DHABI (United Arabic Emirates) - inauguration March 28, 2015 18:00 h in the space Abu Dhabi Art Hub cultural center She exhibit during 2015 in Milan, Taormina, Rome, Bergamo and in Costa Smeralda. "Roma Tre" University professor, journalist, International Press Card - Federation of Journalists, International Director and Publisher of the newspaper A WORLD OF ITALIAN (www.unmondoditaliani.com) and six other paper publications, is co-curator of the First Dictionary Italian Emigration, whose editorial-cultural project was presented at the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, with a foreword by Eric McLuhan and the introduction of the President of the Republic. Working since 1996 for newspapers, weekly magazines and print media, as well as broadcasters. Counselor systemic-relational experience Clinic at IPR Institute for Relational Psychotherapy Luigi Baldascini - Naples, Family Mediator, Consultant torque, an expert in juvenile law is accredited Trainer of Civil Service Office of the Prime Minister. Woman of the Year Award, Ambassador Award Italian World Globe International, Molise to the Governor for the Prix Globo Tricolore journalist Rai, Patrick Angelini, Special Commissioner Aitef, the National Executive Filitalia International, has published numerous essays, short stories and anthologies poetic. University professor at "Roma Tre", journalist, International Press Card - Federation of Journalists, International Director and Publisher of the newspaper UN MONDO D’ITALIANI - A WORLD OF ITALIAN (www.unmondoditaliani.com) Italian International Daily Magazine, and six other paper publications, she is co-curator of the First Dictionary of Italian Emigration, whose cultural-publishing project was presented at the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, with a foreword by Eric McLuhan and the introduction of the President of the Republic. Working since 1996 for newspapers, weekly magazines and print media, as well as broadcasters. Counselor systemic-relational experience Clinic at IPR Institute for Relational Psychotherapy Luigi Baldascini - Naples, Family Mediator, Consultant torque, an expert in juvenile law is accredited Trainer of Civil Service Office of the Prime Minister. Woman of the Year Award, Ambassador Award Italian World Globe International, Molise to the Governor for the Prix Globo Tricolore journalist Rai, Patrick Angelini, Special Commissioner Aitef, member of the National Executive Filitalia International, member of Asmef Scientific Commission, she has published numerous essays, short stories and anthologies poetic Passionate about photography, painting, decorating designs reinventing style borrowed from the technical drawing and design. SHE EXHIBITS: 1987 BOJANO - Palazzo Colagrosso 1989 ROMA - Galleria dell’Oca, via della Mercede 00186 ROMA 2014 PACI - ISERNIA (IS) from August 31 to September 28 2014 PACI - TORREVECCHIA TEATINA (CH) from October 5 to 18 Palazzo Baronale Valignani 2014 YICCA CONTEST A.p.s. Moho Villanova di SAN DANIELE DEL FRIULI - UD 2014 SACI International Art Exhibition Award - Florence FI 2014 Call for Artists MACIA - expo 2015 2014 Artworks Selection Catalogo 2015 2014 PREMIO TERNA 06 for Contemporary Art “L’arte guarda avanti” 2014 ROME - MINISTRY OF CULTURAL HERITAGE, Hall of Crociera, personal exhibition "Discronie archetypal / Towards a New Renaissance, 10 to 20 December 2014. Vernissage December 11, at 17.30, with the presence of: prof. Marcello Carlino, Professor of Contemporary Italian Literature, Literature Music Entertainment Sapienza University of Rome; Genny Di Bert, historian and art critic, Professor of Art History, Phenomenology of Contemporary Arts and Sociology of Contemporary Art at the RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts; prof. Massimo Pasqualone art critic and literary critic, journalist and author, Professor of Sociology and Bioethics at the University G. D'Annunzio of Chieti, History and Art Criticism at the University of the Free Age of Francavilla, awarded at the 'Academy in Rome Honorary Degree and Award "Blessed Nunzio Sulprizio"; Alessandro D'Agostini poet-actor founder of the Movement of the Poets of Action, Dante Fasciolo, Gallery UCAI PIGNA - Rome, Journalist, Author, Director, Curator, Executive Producer - 35 years experience RAIUNO various programs, in particular Linea Verde e Linea Blu.General Secretary of the Movement Blue environmental association for peace, justice, human rights, solidarity, recognized by the Ministry of Environment, former Vice National President of 'UCAI - Catholic Union of Italian Artists (recognized by CEI), on behalf of which he directed the magazine "Art and Faith"; Anna Selvaggi, President AIDE Association of European Women, Stefania Schipani (Istat), Monsignor Giancarlo Perego, General Manager Migrantes Foundation, (the body created by the Italian Episcopal Conference to accompany and support the particular Churches in the knowledge, the work of evangelization and the pastoral care of migrants, Italians and foreigners) Consultant of the Pontifical Council for the pastoral Care of Migrants and itinerants, professor of dogmatic theology at LUMSA (Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta) of Rome. 2014 BERGAMO - University of Arts and Sciences in Bergamo Alta 10 to 20 May 2015 2015 COSTA RICA - S. JOSE’ - Italian Museum MACIA (Museum of Contemporary Italian Art in America) San Jose Costa Rica - permanent 2015 Merlin Bottega d'Arte, Florence, exibition "Mystical and Spiritual in Art" from February 24 to March 4 2015 USA - Call for Artists: Dave Bown Project - USA (Some of the organizations participating in the initiative are: The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh; Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston; The Modern Institute / Toby Webster Ltd, Glasgow, Gagosian Gallery, New York; and Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York) 2015 BOLOGNA - AWARD BOLOGNA EXPO 2015 V Edition, from 23 January to 19 February 2015. Vernissage opened by prof. Philippe Daverio January 23, finissage presented by dr. George Gregory Grasso February 19. 2015 NETTUNO - Mostra “D’Arte, D’amore, Donna” Castello Forte Sangallo of Nettuno from March 1 to 8 as a Special Guest. 2015 MILANO Exhibishion Metateisti Artists of New Millenium at Centro Espositivo LEONARDO DA VINCI, Via Binda, 56 - 20143 - 5-6 and 7 february. 2015 ROMA, ROMA, piazza Navona - Museo Stadium Domitian, Personal exhibition “Urphanomen” in Women in Art Week - an event sponsored by ROME CAPITAL - Events by Municipio I Roma center between readings, film screenings, concerts and wine tastings. Vernissage March 19, 2015 at 17.00 2015 ROMA piazza di Pietra Personal Exibition by Commerce Chambre of Rome. 2015 Print Catalogo Mostra Ministero Beni Culturali a cura di un istituto di credito con presentazione presso il Ministero tra marzo e aprile 2015 MONTESILVANO (CH) Exhibition of Molisani Artists - Galleria Serafini from February 28 do March 21. Opening by prof. Massimo Pasqualone. 2015 DUBAI ITALIAN SOUL - CONTEMPORARY ART IN UAE - FROM 20 MARCH TO April 4. The opening in Dubai is scheduled for March 20, 2015 18:00 h in the prestigious hall of Don Alfonso 1890. 2015 ABU DHABI DUBAI ITALIAN SOUL - CONTEMPORARY ART IN UAE- FROM 20 MARCH TO April 4. The opening in Abu Dhabi at March 28, 2015 18:00 h in the space Abu Dhabi Art Hub gallery and cultural center of Abu Dhabi www.adah.ae. The exhibition in the Art Hub was born in collaboration with the Republic of Latvia which has the "Latvia Art Month" in the same day of the inauguration. 2015 MILAN - Pirelli skyscraper “Pirellone” (to be defined) 2015 BARCELONA (SPAIN) ArtExpo Barcelona 2nd edition from 'April 11, 2015 to April 25, 2015, vernissage Saturday, April 11, 2015 18:00 historic center of Barcelona, Ada Gallery Art Gallery carrer dels Salvador, 8. 2015 FRANCAVILLA (PE) INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART from April 28 to May 3, 2015 at the exhibition hall of the Palace Sirena 2015 ART EXPO NEW YORK XXXVI edition from 23 to April 26, 2015 - PIER 94 NYC presented by Gallery 111 Coronari Rome 2015 MILANO Museo Arte e Scienza (Castle Sforzesco), Exhibition Metateista, july 4 2015 CHIETI MUSEUM MARBELLA June 13 to 30, by critics Anna Rita Melaragna and Massimo Pasqualone, Exhibition entitled "Forecasts of the art" with the sponsorship of the City of Chieti and the prestigious Museum Ugo Guidi of Forte dei Marmi. A tribute to the great Italian sculptor Ugo Guidi, with the presence of some significant sculptures of the artist from Forte dei Marmi. The Museum is located in the palace Martinetti Bianchi, seventeenth-century building, former Jesuit monastery, Via C. de Lollis, 10, 66100 Chieti CH. Vernissage Saturday, June 13, 2015, 17:00 2015 BELLANTE (Teramo) CRE-ACTIVE Solo Exhibition within Ripattoni SLOW ART 2015, X edition, from July 26 to August 1 2015 2015 ROME - CHURCH OF JESUS Torre Argentina - CIACK SI MOSTRA Artists in Rome. Opening August 1, 2015 2015 VELLETRI - Mina Cappussi Special guest on "ART AND CINEMA" by Aide within VELLETRI EXPO 2015 - at Exhibition Center JUANA ROMANS inauguration August 7, 2015 with the participation of S. E Ambassador Andrea Tasciotti in collaboration with Academy Art Cube. 2015 BOJANO - Personal exhibition "Maya, or dreamlike visions" Colagrosso Palace, seat of the City Council, from 5 to 11 August 2015 - piazza della Vittoria Bojano (CB) 2015 ROME - QUIRINALE (Italian Republic President location) MONUMENTAL COMPLEX IN S.ANDREA Teatro DIOSCURI “Good Vibration” Exhibition with Mogol 14 to 30 September 2015 - Art Catalog Franco Maria Ricci 2015 PETRELLA TIFERNINA, Church of St. George the Martyr, that the Commission chose to Expo 2015 to be the "Power of Italian Beauty" in the World, Exhibition during the Lectio Magistralis with the master Rodolfo PAPA (Academic of the Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi at the Pantheon), from October 18, 2015 with Holy Bible: the Joy of Creation, short pictorial cycle that starts with the biblical suggestions as an outpost of an atavistic symbolism reminiscent ancestral echoes to discover ourselves. In particular, the framework Creation, "the first act, the act primordial magma indefinite human form. The act of creation God's plan. " POWER OF BEAUTY in Petrella Tifernina (ITALY); TRAVELING WITH THE MASTER RODOLFO PAPA AND MINA Cappussi BETWEEN ART AND SPIRIT. 2015 ROME - Bramante Hall, Church of Santa Maria del Popolo - Piazza del Popolo - Exhibition with the Artists in Rome entitled "Bramante" from 29 October to 3 November 2015; 2015 ROME - Sale del Bramante Church of Santa Maria del Popolo - Piazza del Popolo - Show with Artists in Rome entitled "Bramante" from October 29 to November 3, 2015; 2015 ROME - The Church of Jesus and Maria in Via del Corso 2016 MONREALE CONTEMPORARY ART BIENNIAL (LECCE) sixth edition monumental complex Guglielmo II from April 30 to May 22, 2016 Monreale (Palermo) 2016 PALERMO Gallery ArtEos, via Ludovico Ariosto 25B exposure permanently from June 11, 2016 2016 ISERNIA SPRING ART Exhibition by the Art Gallery 90 and the association SM'art - art sm! critical text. Giorgio Berchicci Vernissage May 21, 2016 - June 17, 2016 17:30 Finissage with Berchicci art critic. 2016 CALIFORNIA ARTESTATES US Conference Centre W Hollywood (6250 Hollywood Boulevard - Hollywood, California USA) 2016 NEW YORK ARTESTATES US Meeting Room, Jolly Madison Towers - 22 E 38th St, New York, NY 10016, United States 2016 WASHINGTON USA ARTESTATES Meeting Room Sofitel Washington DC Lafayette Square - 806 15th St NW, Washington, DC 20005, United States 2016 BOJANO Colagrosso Palace City Council Hall, Vittoria Square, first floor - Conference Hall. Solo exhibition "EMOTIONAL VORTEXES " by the Association ViviBojano and Agora Research Centre, sponsored by the Region of Molise - Presidency of the Council and the Municipality of Bojano, Department of Culture. From 15 to 31 August 2016. The event is entered in the municipal program of August Bojanese. 2016 Civita Superiore Bojano. As part of the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, solo exhibition along the medieval route in warehouses of the village "The Way of Heloise." September 8, 2016 2016 Termoli Hotel Meridiano, Lungomare Cristoforo Colombo 52 / A. Group exhibition within the Conference of District FIDAPA BPW ITALY District South East (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Molise and Puglia) entitled "The Diversity of Talents as Innovation resource", with the patronage of Regione Molise, Campobasso Province, Municipality Termoli, Molisè, the Chamber of Commerce of Molise, Saturday, September 10, 2016. 2016 BOJANO historic Palazzo Santoro, Via Salita S. Lucia. "THE CONTINUOUS AND SYMBOL IN CONTEMPORARY ART", Patronage Molise region, industry Culture Molise, of the University and the City of Bojano, Tuesday, October 18. Speakers: Antonio PICARIELLO, art critic and semiotician with a report by the symbolic title. "Give us this day our daily maze; Phenomenology of symbols "; Giorgio PATRIZI, Professor of Italian Literature University of Molise, on the theme "Art and Writing"; Giulio DE IORIO Frisari, Art Critic and Literary - Visiting Professor Aristotle University of Thessaloniki on "The Continuous and nell'Arte Symbol Mina Cappussi"; Giuseppe Pardini, Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Molise "Italy, the Classical Art and Degenerate Art"; Franco VALENTE, architect of "Ideology and Theology in art forms", Gabriele GAMBERALE, notary with a historical excursus on heroin medieval "Heloise or Timeless Love". Monica MONACO, Emotional Manager with "Art and emotions: the symbol in the invisible communication"; An academic meeting, with the works of Mina Cappussi, professors of the University of Molise. During the evening was given a preview of the artistic movement created by the author visionary: the 'Emotional Art or e-MOVO Art. October 18, 2016 2016 OASI WWF GUARDIAREGIA NATURE - THE PATH OF E.V.A. The Cammino di Eva (Emotions, Wine, Art), the brainchild of journalist-artist Mina Cappussi, is a multi-sensory journey connected to Emotional Art, who made his first step in a 1700 farmhouse in Guardiaregia WWF Park, Casale Kolidur. October 31, 2016 2016 ROME - Italian Chamber of Deputies, via Monte Citorio, 1 "Par Condicio Emotional" and the presentation of the artistic movement Emotional Art - e-MOVO Art designed by Mina Cappussi. The presence, among others, the Secretary for Justice, Mr. Cosimo Maria Ferri, Hon. Gerardo Bianco - President Association of Former Parliamentarians, Hon. Franco Narducci - FAIM (Federation of Italian Associations in the World), Gian Maria Fara - President EURISPES. Moderated by ANSA Deputy Director, Stefano Polli. With an exhibition of works of Art Emotional Mina Cappussi. November 7, 2016 2016 Bojano Colagrosso Palace, Hall University "HISTORY, ART AND EMOTIONS" conference-debate with exhibition of works by three artists. Among them Mina Cappussi November 25, 2016 PUBLICATIONS: 2015 Giammarco Puntelli, CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS OF NEW RENAISSANCE, Movement Metateismo, GIORGIO MONDADORI editions, March 2015. 2014 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Italian Migration in the World, Ser Editions, 1600 pages 2013 Aneliti, poems scattered 2012 author of an essay in the book "The Words to Say it - Migration - Communication and Territory" by Flavia Cristaldi and Donata Castagnoli, Morley Publisher Perugia, Proceedings of the conference at the University Sapienza in Rome as part PRIN 2008 "Migration and processes of cultural interaction. Forms of integration and territorial organization in some Italian ISBN / EAN: 978-88-6074-496-8; 2010 author of an essay in the ITALIANS IN THE WORLD REPORT 2010 Migrantes Foundation editions IDOS titled "A World of Italians: a story of passion, success and work," pp. 198-207 ISBN 978-88-6480-0059 2011 The author of an essay in the ITALIANS IN THE WORLD REPORT 2011 Migrantes Foundation editions IDOS, entitled "Proposal for a lexicon for emigration" pp 126-133. ISBN 978-88-6480-0059 2011 oversaw the critical review of Roberto Alborghetti, for the catalog of the exhibition "Lacer-Shares" (11 May 2011) published and circulated among others in London and New York(http://robertoalborghetti.wordpress.com/2011/05/11/le-lacerazioni-di-roberto-alborghettie-la-contaminazione-diviene-arte/ ); 2010 oversaw the afterword of the book "Without Shores" Tiziana Grassi, Edizioni Nemapress, Alghero 2010, foreword by Neria De Giovanni, President of the International Critics Lettarari - Paris - ISBN 978-88-7629-062-6; 2013 wrote the preface of the book - Manual Counseling "Hearts in the Mirror" by Manuela Forte, Faust Editions, Ferrara 2013 - ISBN 978-99-98147-11; 2014 author in the anthology "Towards Freedom" Necklace Orange - Anthologies, February 14, 2014, 186 p., Paperback - Curator Spurio Lorenzo - TraccePerLaMeta Editions ISBN 978-88-98643 2014 author in the anthology "Unstable Foundations" necklace Puzzle - decompose Editions, Gaeta, edited by Ivan Pozzoni - ISBN 978-88-98671-25-0. - Reciter-communicator in the dramatization of some sonnets of Michelangelo Buonarroti in the Conference "Face Human Face of God", Hermitage of Sant'Egidio, Frosolone (IS), August 9, 2014, at 16:30 with the participation of Marcello Carlino - Sapienza University Rome, Father Luciano Proietti - rector of the Hermitage, Carmela D'Alessandro - soprano. She was awarded the Prix Globe International Rino Zandonai in Capizzi (Messina) on 11 August 2013, as Ambassador of Italian World.