LuminArte Fine Art Gallery Presents: Geometric Investigations

LuminArté Fine Art Gallery LuminArté Fine Art Gallery

AUGUST 28, 2017

LuminArté Design and Fine Art Gallery Presents: Geometric Investigations - September 9 – October 28, 2017 Opening Exhibition September 9th 7-9:00PM Participating Artists: Chun Hui Pak, Beatrice Coron, Motte Thomas Geometric Investigations exhibit features three artists who explore geometric queries that connect in three distinctly different ways thru Curves, Folds, Lines and Spaces mirroring the patterns of intricate processes found in the world we live in.

LuminArte Fine Art Gallery Presents "Simply Stated" May 20th 7-9:00PM Exhibition runs through Aug. 3rd

LuminArté Fine Art Gallery LuminArté Fine Art Gallery

MAY 05, 2017

SIMPLY STATED explores empowerment through finding your truth, and taking action as exhibited in the political commentary found in the works of Antonio Guerrero, the social justice of Soraida Martinez, humorous romanticism of Claudio S. Pinto and calming works of Jessica M. Chaix