Carla Castaldo

Carla Castaldo

About The Artist

Carla Castaldo was born in Maddaloni (CE), and has always lived Napoli. She took her university degree in Architecture, and then she mainly worked within the testing and restoration of monuments, and dedicated her work mainly to religious buildings. Fascinated by the love message from Reiki, a spiritual and therapeutic practice with its origins in the ancient Buddhist sutras, dating from the fifth century. B. C., she attended the first level training course in 2011 and the second level one in 2012. This helped her with further honing her sensitivity, which led her to see existential events in a different light and one of wide-ranging spiritual approach. To express the feelings that are contained in her soul she dedicated herself to hand-shaping clay, but it is in the world of painting that she feels she can best express her emotions. She has been following an exciting and rapid search path, where she experiments with materials and different techniques used in her own special ways, according to the feelings she wants to communicate. Pictorial representations on ceramic plates arouse great emotional involvement in her, because it is here that she manages to express her emotional universe. She uses the ancient technique of "third fire decoration" with a very personal interpretation, and entrusting the completion of her work to the magic of fire, to convey mysterious and surreal messages. As a matter of fact, it is during firing that the integrity of the artifacts is at risks, while colors take on their intensity and final hues. She exhibited her works for the first time in a group exhibition in Naples in 2013. Since 2014 she has been selected for and invited to participate in important international exhibitions in Italy and abroad, amongst which the 56 Biennale di Venezia (2015). She received three plates and very flattering criticism. Since November 2014 she has been registered in the database of Artprice, the world leader in art market. The following art critics and historians wrote of her: Gregorio Rossi, storico e critico d’arte; Guido Folco, storico e critico d’arte, direttore della rivista ITALIA ARTE; Azzurra Immediato, storica e critica d’arte; Maurizio Vitiello, storico e critico d’arte. She is mentioned in some art publications, among which: Percorsi d’arte in Italia 2015, edited by Enzo Le Pera, Rubbettino Editore (2015); Agenda 2016. Luoghi della bellezza, edited by Giovanni Zavarella, Luoghi Interiori (2015). She is mentioned in the magazine Italia Arte, director Guido Folco, in the following issues: anno 11, n. 5 (109), maggio 2015; anno 11, n. 7 (111), settembre 2015; anno 11, n. 8 (112), ottobre 2015; anno 12 n. 2 (115) febbraio2016. For her works see also: Exhibitions 2013 - Napoli , Fondazione Humaniter (June) . 2014 - Vico Equense (NA), Castello Giusso (February) . - Napoli, Creative Laboratory Space entrusted to “Bancaidea Comunication network”, Exhibition “Idee in transito” (February – April). - Montecarlo, Hotel de Paris, Mostra “Gala de l’Art 2014” (May - June). - Napoli, Fondazione Humaniter (June). - Principato di Monaco, Théatre des Variétés, exhibition “IV issue in the Month of Italian Culture and Language in the Principality of Monaco” (October). - Piacenza, Iori Auction House, international auction (Iori Casa d’Aste (November). 2015 - Venezia, Palazzo Bollani, international exhibition “IL GRANDE CANALE DELLA PACE – ARTISTI A VENEZIA CONTRO LA GUERRA”, (May - November ). - Montecarlo, Hotel Fairmont, Exhibition “Gala de l’Art 2015” (May - June). - Torino, Museo MIIT, exhibition “Internazionale Italia Arte 2015” (June). - Londra, Strand Gallery, international exhibition “Art Shape Language” (June - July). - Milano, Plaumann Art Gallery (August). - Camogli, Galleria ACCORSIARTE (August). - Bologna, Galleria Farini Concept a Palazzo Fantuzzi, exhibition “8a Collettiva Internazionale - Arte a Palazzo” (September). - Berlino, Museo Dalì, international exhibition “Dream Art” (September). - Bruges, Museo Centre of Modern Art Site Oud Sint-Jan, international exhibition “From the Impressionism and Picasso to Contemporary Artists” (October). - Roma, Complesso Monumentale dei Dioscuri del Quirinale, International Exhibition of Contemporary Art (rassegna Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea) “L’Arte come energia creativa” (October). - Torino, Museo MIIT, international exhibition “BMM 2015” November - December). - Roma, Villa Doria Pamphilj – Villino Corsini, international exhibition “IL GRANDE CANALE DELLA PACE – ARTISTI A ROMA CONTRO LA GUERRA”, (November - December). - Dubai, Community Theatre & Arts Centre (DUCTAC), exhibition “ITALIAN ART FAIR” (December). - Bologna, Galleria Farini Concept a Palazzo Fantuzzi, “9a Collettiva Internazionale - Arte a Palazzo” (December). 2016 - Napoli, Castel dell’Ovo, Sala delle Carceri, personal exhibition “Per un Mediterraneo di Pace” (February). - Torino, Oval – Lingotto, Expo Casa – Galleria Accorsi Arte (February-March). - New York, The Architectural Digest Design Show, digital exhibition, padiglione 519 (March). - Baden-Baden, Museo Altes Dampfbad, exhibition “BIENNALE DELLA GERMANIA” (March). - Bologna, Galleria Farini Concept –Palazzo Fantuzzi, mostra “11a Edizione di Arte a Palazzo & 1a Edizione del Premio Internazionale Arte a Palazzo” (marzo). - Torino, Galleria Accorsi Arte, mostra “‘900 & 2000” – Mostra d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (April). - Perugia, Centro d’arte TORRE STROZZI, exhibition FEMMINILE PLURALE – l’arte donna (April). - New York, Art Expo 2016, digital exhibition, Padiglione 438 (April). - Roma, Galleria AccorsiArte e Coronari111 Art Gallery, mostra d’Arte Contemporanea “PALATINA” (April). - Bologna, Galleria Seven’s Bo, mostra “Stazione per viaggiatori di idee. Nomadismi d’arte contemporanea” (April-May). - Stra (Venezia), Museo Nazionale Villa Pisani, mostra “THE BEST ARTISTS IN THE MUSEUM” (July). - Spoleto, Galleria POLId’ARTE, mostra personale “VISIONI” (July-August). - Mentana (Roma), Galleria IL COLLEZIONISTA e GALLERIA BORGHESE, exhibition “HISTORICAL PRIZE FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS” (September). - Firenze, l’Arsenale di Fortezza da Basso, exhibition ARTE FIRENZE 2016, Premio Internazionale d’Arte Sandro Botticelli, (November). - Sulmona, Polo Museale Civico Diocesano (ex Convento di Santa Chiara), exhibition 43° Premio Sulmona 2016, Rassegna Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea (November-December). - Bologna, Galleria Farini Concept, Palazzo Fantuzzi, exhibition “Arte a Palazzo – XV Collettiva Internazionale November-December). - Miami, Spectrum Miami, digital exhibition, stand 417 (November-December). - Santa Maria Capua Vetere (CE), Museo Archeologico dell’Antica Capua, exhibition “Mitra e Mitrei nel Mediterraneo” (December). 2017 - Parigi, Galleria Espace Christiane Peugeot, mostra “Arte Paris 2017”(January).