by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description

Field of Dreams

0.0 x 0.0

20" x 38" watercolor Janice stood on a precipice overlooking a field of constantly changing colors. At first she thought her eyes were deceiving her. Then she thought she had taken the wrong dose of daily prescription pills early this morning. Then she thought she was having a hallucination. She rubbed her eyes. "Nope, still there", she muttered. Then she sat down, all choked up with fear and watched the changing scene before her. Her eyes searched the surrounding bushes for strange demons, but everything was calm and serene. Not even a fly or mosquito to disturb the beautiful vision before her. It was too much for her to absorb. She got up and walked slowly home. The next day, after a restless night of tossing and turning and strange dreams about flowers eating her legs off, she awoke. Over a lazy breakfast, she thought about what she had seen yesterday, and knew she had to revisit this amazing field to see if the changing colors were still happening. She walked slowly to the same spot she stood before, and there it was. Today the colors were in pinks and lavenders. Nothing too bold or bright, soft pastels. She sat down in a patch of daisies and continued drinking in the strange sight. She decided to come back the next day with a camera to record and justify what she was looking at. But the next day the camera revealed a beautiful field of normal colors. She snapped pictures every half hour, but the film showed no color changes whatsoever. "What to do?", she muttered. All summer she returned to see if this strange effect was still happening, and it did, every day. She decided not to tell anyone or bring anyone to this magical place for fear of being made fun of. She kept it to herself, and when the summer was over and she had to return to school in the city; she knew she would keep this secret forever in her heart.

Artwork Details

