Derek Glaskin

Derek Glaskin

About The Artist

Ever ask yourself; "Did I choose art or did art choose me? Somehow between Australia and Hawaii my life as an artist seemed pre destined to visually document & record the life and times of "The Rose & Crown". Indigenous Royalty, stories of ancient aboriginal dreamings stretching from Greenbushes country to mo'olelos of Kekaha! Internationally I've exhibited in two "World Expos" 88/92, "Golden Week" Tokyo Japan, "Boot Show" Dusseldorf Germany, over to the Eastside of America at the University of Viginia's "Kluge Ruhe Aboriginal Art Collection" over to the city of Groove, San Francisco; SOMart "LANUOLA" where the Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation thought my art was museum quality giving me the heads up! On this tiny little island of Kauai, plonked right in the middle of the "Pacific Outback" I find myself thinking, who chose what?