Reshat Ameti

Reshat Ameti

About The Artist

Reshat Ameti Born; May 16, 1964 in Gostivar Address: Tomo [umski 5, Gostivar, Macedonia Tel. ## 389 (0)78322622 E-mail: Education 1980 - 1984 - Art High School, Skopje 1984 - 1988 – Faculty of Fine Arts, Skopje, in the class of Ana Temkova 2000 - 2002 - Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Prishtina, in the class of Rexhep Feri Currently work as Professor of paintings, Faculty of Art in “State University of Tetova” – Tetovo, Macedonia. -President of Association of Fine Arts of Macedonia “DRAUDACUM” Awards and honors 2013 - Award For; Lifetime Achievement in the Arts and Culture "October 11". Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia; 2011 - Municipality of Gostivar, "The contribution of culture" – Macedonia 2010 - “Johnnie Walker Man of the Year”. Skopje - Macedonia 2009 - DLUM (Society of Fine Arts in Macedonia); Award for Paintings “Lazar Licenoski”- Macedonia 2009 - SHAFGJ (Society of Fine Arts artist of Gjilane); Award for Paintings; “Salloni i Gjilanit” – Kosovo 2006 - Tirana Association, Award; "As a tribute to his work with High level of artistic appreciation in National and Internationa ",- Albania 2006 - Art Forum Weltoffen, Vienna - Austria 2006 – “Draudacum” Art Association; “November Award for Art” – Macedonia 1997 - The first prize for the Logo of the City of Gostivar - Macedonia Selected Solo exhibitions 2017- Zagreb, Museum “Mimara” 2016 - Beijing, Museum of Fine Arts “Songzhuang” 2016 - Skopje, Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts 2015 - Berlin, Museum “Steglitz” 2015 - Hamburg, Gallery “Mytoro” 2015 - New York City, “TAI exhibit” 2015 - Stip, National gallery “Bezisten” 2013 - New York City, MC Gallery 2013 - New York City, Fadil Berisha Studio 2012 - Manheim, Bohner Galerie 2012 - Zurich, Keller galerie 2011 - Bruxelles, Wallonie – Bruxelles International 2011 - Sophie, National Gallery of Bulgaria 2010 - Prishtina "Art Gallery of Kosova" 2010 - Skopje, National Gallery – “Daut Pasha Hamam” 2009 - New York, MS Gallery 2008 - Nurnberg, Ehrenhalle des Rathauses 2007 - Skopje, Museum of Contemporary Art 2005 - Tirana, National Gallery 2004 - New York, Macedonian Cultural Center 2004 - Paris, International Cite des ARTS 2003 - Skopje, City Museum 1998 - New York, Gallery TAI 1997 - New York, Gallery TAI 1996 - Prizren, Gallery “Rada” 1994 - Gostivar, “Centre for Culture” 1994 - Skopje, “KIC”- “Skopje Summer”… Selected Publications which appeared Monograph; 1.Macedonian National Gallery, Skopje. “20 Years work of Resat Ameti”; Author. Anna Frangovska. Luan Starova, cheap Kletnikov. 2010 2. Selected among 10 artists in Macedonia in the luxurious Monograph “Contemporary Artists in Macedonia”, published by Shoshua, England 2002 3.Included in the Monograph,National Gallery of Macedonia 2010 4. Included in the Monograph, Museum of Skopje 2015 5. Included in the Monograph,“50 years of DLUM”; V.Velickovski; “Geometricism in Macedonia”;1997 6.”Transfiguring”, Macedonian Collection of Image Mundi,Curator Ana Frangovska Selected catalog 1. International Cite des Arts, Paris, “Reshat Ameti 2004”, author; Ismail Kadare 2. Museum of Contemporary Art. Skopje “Reshat Ameti 1997 -2007”, author; Kadri Metaj 3. Art Gallery of Kosovo Pristina, "Reshat Ameti", author; Kadri Metaj 2011 4. National Palace of Culture Sofia "Reshat Ameti" , author; Ana Frangovska 2011 5. 20101. Matica Exclusive, Skopje, "Reshat Ameti," author; Eftim Kletnikov 2015 Art works are in collections in lot of museums and institutions; -Museum Mimara, Zagreb - Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts, Skopje - Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje. - National Gallery, Tirana. - National Gallery of Macedonia, Skopje - Art Gallery of Kosova, Prishtina. - Museum of the City of Skopje. - Culture and Information Centre, Skopje. - TAI Gallery-New York City, - MS Gallery-New York City - The Ministry of Culture of R.Macedonia. -The Ministry of Ecology of R.Macedonia - The Ministry of Defense of R.Macedonia - University "St. Cyril and Methodius" Skopje. - State University of Tetovo. - University "South-Eastern Europe", Tetovo. - Iliria University. Prishtina, Kosova - RM Embassy in Paris, France - Municipality of City of Skopje - Municipality of City of Gostivar - Municipality of City of Tetova His art Works are on property of many Art private collections as well as world famous personalities, Nobel prize winners, world famous writers, Presidents of States etc. Group exhibitions Participated more than 200 group exhibition in world; New York, Paris,Strasbourg, Viena, Pasau, Ankara, Edrene, Roma, Boston, Dijon, Trieste, Sofia, Bukuresht, Dijon, Varshava, Gorica, Ulqin,Tirana, Vlorë, Pogradec, Prishtina, Gjilan, Theranda... Also Participated in numerous art symposiums and colonies in Macedonia and abroad - Selected Group Exhibitons -“Let Us Give Chance to Solidarity”. Museum of Comparative Art. Skopje 2016 -“ From Collection of Museum of City of Skopje . 2016 - “Gost Fest”. National Centre for Culture. Gostivar. 2016 - "World of love poetry and paintings". National Gallery . Skopje. 2016 - "Salon des Artistes". Dijon. France 2015 - “The annual exhibition of DLUM”. National Gallery. Skopje .2015 - "Art on the Danube"Samorin. Slovakia . 2015 - "Catalog". The annual Exhibition DLUM. National Gallery.Skopje. 2015 - "The November Price "National Center of Culture- Gostivar.2015 - "For the Glory of the Art". National Gallery - Skopje. 2015 - “Apolonia”. Fier. Albania. 2015 - "Collective Exhibition". Gallery of Arts. Prishtina. Kosova’ 2014 - "Salon des Artistes". Dijon. France. 2015 - "Art on the Danube". Samorin, Sllovakia. 2014 - "The November Price ".The National Center for Culture - Gostivar.2014 - "Salon des Artistes". Dijon. France. 2014 - "Inter Salon".Passau. Germany. 2013 - "Salon des Artistes".Dijon, France. 2013 - "Art on the Danube". Samorin, Sllovakia.2013 - "The Modern Albanian Painting". Iliria University.Prishtina. Kosovo.2013 - "Art on the Danube".Samorin, Sllovaki.2013 -"International Art Colony Kicevo 2013".KIC. Skopje.2013 - "Salon des Artistes".Dijon.France. 2012 - "100". National Gallery. Skopje 2012 - "Exhibition of Arts Professors of SUT "National Gallery. Skopje 2012 - "Freedom". Therandë. Kosova. 2011 - "Donations, Buying". Museum of Contemporary Art - Skopje.2011 - "EUROART 2011".Art Gallery. Pogradec. Albania. 2011 - "Universal Wealth of Creativity". Skopje. 2011 - "Winter Days in Pogradec 'Art Gallery. Pogradec. Albania 2011 -"The November Price". The National Center for Culture. Gostivar.2011 -"The Magic of Vevcani". KIC. Skoje.2011 -" The 4 July". The National Center for Culture.Tetovë. 2010 - “Winter Salon”. Museum of Contemporary Art. Skopje .2010 - "Small Format". KIC .Skopje. 2010 - "Balkan Spirit". Museum of the City of Skopje. 2009 -"Lear". Art Gallery . Berat. Albania 2009 -"Artists of Macedonia in Sofia"Gallery "NDK".Sofia. Bullgaria. 2009 - "Salon of Gnjilane". Gallery of Art .Gjilan.Kosova. 2009 -"Group Exhibition ".Museum of the City of Skopje. 2009 - "Collective Exhibition". Trakia University. Edirne. Turkey. 2009 - "DLUM Landscape". House of Army. Skopje.2008 - "Donor Exhibition". National Gallery. Skopje. 2008 - "Days of the Culture of Macedonia". MC Galery. New York. USA. 2008 -"107 Artist of Macedonia". Cite International des Arts.Paris. France. 2008 -"60Years of the National Gallery of Macedonia". Macedonian National Gallery .Skopje.2008 - "Winter Salon-Schengen". National Gallery of Maqedonisë.Skopje.2008 -"Annual exhibition of DLUM". Museum of City of Skopje.2008 -"Days of Albanian culture in Macedonia". National Gallery of Macedonia - Skopje.2007 -"Good Morning Ballkans". National Gallery of Macedonia - Ohër.2007 -"Balkan Spirit". The Museum of the City of Skopje 2007 -"Good Morning Ballkans". Sala Giubileo Trieste, Italy.2006 - "Together". Museum of the City of Skopje. 2006 -"45Years of International Art Colony in Strumica". National Center for Culture - Strumica.2006 - "Nationwide Exhibition". National Center for Culture - Gostivar.2006 -"Art Expo Tirana". National Gallery - Tirana, Alb.2006nia -"Albanian Culture in Macedonia". National Gallery of Macedonia - Skopje2006 -"Annual Exhibition of DLUM". The Museum of the City of Skopje.2005 -"Spring Salon". National Center for Culture - Gostivar.2005 -"Art Colony Struga 2005"-Strugë.2005 Popular museum - "Nationwide Exhibition”. National center for culture - Gostivar.2005 - "Collective Exhibition". Alternative . Skopje.2004 - "Winter Salon". Museum of Contemporary Art. Skopje. 2004 -“Good Morning Balkans”. National Museum. Bucharest. Rumenia. 2003 - “Group Exhibition”. National Gallery - Ohrid, House of Robevci. 2003 -“Good Morning Balkans”.National Gallery of Kosova. Prishtina. Kosova.2003 - “Group Exhibition”.Museumof City of Skopje. 2002 - “Group Exhibition”. Museum of Contemporary Art. Skopje.2001 -“Winter Salon” Museum of Contemporary Art. Skopje. 1997 - “Group Exhibition”. Museumof City of Skopje. 1996 -“Winter Salon” Museum of Contemporary Art. Skopje. 1995 -“ Days of Macedonian Youth”. Strasbourg,France. 1994 - “Group Exhibition”. National Gallery. Tirana. Albanija 1992