Pepponi Art

Pepponi Art

About The Artist

Working in tourism since 1970, I lived overseas and travelled around in Europe, America, Asia and Africa (11 years in Kenya). The last 22 years I lived in Palma de Mallorca / Spain and now I’m back in Germany. I started painting as a child and meanwhile painting art is my passion, my most favorite hobby. With mostly strong colors I’m able to express my various impressions and ideas, which cool me down and relax. I'm autodidact – of all tried out materials I prefer painting with acrylics and especially on wood. My pictorial language mainly consists of a figurativeness reduced to the essential into which I ornamental transfer very harmonious forms. This is completed by my abilities of applying glowing colors. By achieving a correlation of abstract and figurative forms and color I’m able to give my work of art some sensual attractivity. The portrayal of perspectives and mostly the strong expression of bright colors are my trademark. My artworks are now part ofprivate collections worldwide, such as Germany, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, India and Australia. More information see: