by Carolyn Forrester

Artwork Description

"Winner Takes All" (Victor)

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Winning has an ego fueled buzz that’s addictive, and Americans crave to be the victor, whether individually or vicariously through others. “I deserve this, I earned this, and I’m better than those losers.” When I was accepted into one of the best graphic design schools…I won. When I bought a new car…I won. When I purchased my first home…I won. I was living the dream. But, the thing about winning is that it’s short-lived,” it’s transient. The ego’s enslavement to win is never ending, driven by a hungry ghost that is never satisfied. Each win needs to be succeeded by a new win. Then there’s always that fear of missing the mark…loser! These days I try to stay off the winner/loser treadmill. I strive to embrace passion and clean action instead. There is no ego buzz, yet I feel my life has a deeper charm. It’s a solid and more soulful way of being.

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