by Carolyn Forrester

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I observe the energy of punishment lifting it's ugly head in societies. I see punishment in court systems, in wars, and in acts of terrorism. World societies are made up of individuals and on our own we embrace punishment, too, in squabbles with our spouses, friends, family and neighbors. It's an everyday evil often overlooked, so common as to be considered normal. I'm guilty of it also. In a long time power struggle with my first husband, I'd use the tactic of withholding affection and depriving him of nurturing. At other times I'd crank angry power up and give him a good tongue lashing, then watch him wince. He did the same to me, breaking my spirit. In a different form, as a young woman, I suffered the targeted gossip of friends, when they created an alliance designed to exclude, to isolate and to dominate me. I in turn became passive aggressive and spiraled down along side them. Everyday evil seems childish, but I continue to see it acting out regularly in some form or another in my everyday world. Punishment can look similar to a corrective form of teaching, but correction is an act of protection, which leads to redemption and that's good for all...there's the difference. When my ego get's a power buzz at another's expense, when I can't feel their anguish, when I'm actually enjoying their discomfort; then I'm in's the worst!

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