Lajos Ritók

Lajos Ritók

About The Artist

“About me, nothing important. I have 3 art degrees, one in fine art and one in sculpture and 2 years ago I finished my masters in therapy through art. I live in Debrecen (Hungary) with my family and I have been exhibiting for years, participating in more than 300 exhibitions. “Why portrait? because for me the people, especially those from northern Romania (Ardeal) (Erdély) have been always and example, representing the eternam honest man, who remained PURE, no matter what political problems or rumours have been out there or tried to bring him down, they have remained strong. Unfortunately, just as rare thinks are disappearing so are these people, they are fewer and fewer and I believe that in a short time we won’t find them anymore, not only physically but also the spirit that we felt and was transmitted to us from our grand-parents who represent our roots. I want to be able to draw and paint as I breathe, to dive deeper into the things that shake my interior, my inner self- me, searching without being tired or rested, the moment when the line or the splash of color are attached to myself. Taming the line and the color, traveling with it as it happens in nature, wild, furious and from time to time tired, rarely tamed, just like miracles. I am trying to express myself as sincere as possible in my own language. I want to tell a story about people and the things that surround them so I can accept and reconcile with these things in the same time. In this way I will be able to feel the unique energy that it is only ours, somewhere deeply hidden! (“Célom „Úgy rajzolni, hogy minél mélyebben elmerülök, azokban a dolgokban, amik bennem tombolnak. Keresni szüntelenül, fáradhatatlanul a pillanatot, amikor a vonal is elfárad és hozzám társul. Megszelídíteni a vonalat, és úgy sétálni vele, ahogyan a természet engedi, néha engedetlenül, néha fáradtan, de ritkán engedelmesen, ahogyan a csodák történnek. Megpróbálni beszélni a saját eszközeimmel, őszintén az ember sorsáról és körülöttük lévő dolgokról is, mindezeket elfogadni és megbékélni velük. Felfedezni, érezni azt az energiát, ami nagyon mélyen valahol csak nekünk szól…”)” Some countries and cities have exhibited my work: HUNGARY, USA, NETHERLANDEN, GERMANY, SWEDEN, SWITZERLAND, FINLAND, DENMARK, ITALY, ENGLAND, TURKEY, BULGARIA, FRANCE, ROUMANIA, POLAND. BUDAPEST, PARIS, NEW YORK, CHICAGO, WASHINGTON, AMSTERDAM, HAMBURG, GOTEBORG, HALMSTAD, STOCKHOLM, HELSINKI, TURKU, TAMPERE, ROSTOCK, FREIBURG, KARLSRUHE, NAGYVÁRAD, SARDINIA, STUTTGART, VARNA, KRAKÓW, DEBRECEN, BRASÓ, NAGYBÁNYA, WIJK AAN ZEE, KOLOZSVÁR etc. What I'm Most proud of I Can Exhibit at the Louvre in Paris and in 2016 I was exhibiting my works with Rembrandt works.