Sergey Feofanov

Sergey Feofanov

About The Artist

Was born in Moscow in 1950. Graduated from Lunacharsky State Institute of theater art (S.V. Obraztsov course). As a scene designer, he prepared dozens of performances in theaters of Moscow, Vologda, Kostroma, Krasnoyarsk, Penza, Tver, Ternopol, Ufa, Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Berlin. One of its theater works is scenery and puppets to show «Heracles » at Obraztsov State Central Puppet Theater, «All mice love cheese» at Moscow region Puppet Theater, «Cheerful bear cubs» at Kutaisi Puppet Theater (Georgia), «Two masters» at Tbilisi Youth Theatre. In the 80-ths he was an art director of circus and variety programs, including ones at Circus in Vernadsky prospect. He decorated circus arena for Soviet circus programs in tours in the USSR and abroad. From 1978 to 1987 he worked at Central TV, first as art director, then as design director in the Chief editorial board of children programs. He designed over one hundred TV performances and programs: programs «Merry notes», «Alarm clock», «Good night, babies!», «Miracles without miracles», a number of TV films of series «This fantastic world», etc. He participated in designing the Openining ceremony of «Goodwill Games» in Moscow (1986) and the Festival of the USSR in India (1987). For many years, he cooperated with «Diafilm» studio and participated in production of dozens of slide films, including «Adventures of captain Vrungel», «Bear cub Puddington», «Wonderful bast shoes», etc. Member of Moscow Union of artists since 1991. Participant of group and personal exhibitions in Russia, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Spain, India, Great Britain, China. S. Feofanov’s works are kept in private collections in Russia, Sweden, India, China, South Korea, Japan, USA, and Iran. A portrait of ex-president of Finland Tarja Halonen painted by S. Feofanov is in her personal collection. Personal exhibitions: 1998 – cultural center of Central administration of servicing the diplomatic corps of Foreign Ministry of Russia 2000 – Modern Art gallery «Phoenix» 2003 – Russian center of science and culture. Helsinki, Finland 2009 – exhibition hall of Moscow Union of Artists. Moscow 2009 – art school No. 1 named after V. Serov. Moscow 2010 – Russian center of science and culture. Helsinki, Finland 2010 – Clare College, Cambridge University. Great Britain