Joanne Vecchio

Joanne Vecchio

About The Artist

The life path of Joanne Vecchio has taken many creative twists and turns for it is her fervent belief that we are all born to be artists as there is art in everything. As a School Administrator and Grant Accountant her participation in the Arts Literacy Project, a partnership between Brown University and the Central Falls School District, in Rhode Island gave her life goals focus. The five-year project developed The Performance Cycle Technique project paring literature with artistic expression, helping students find the means of telling their own stories. This This technique provides teachers, artists, and youth leaders with the tools to engage students in a process of deep understanding by building a classroom community of learners that centers on a text. Students respond to the text and demonstrate this knowledge through high quality performances and artistic presentations. In 2007 she left her career and founded Second Stage Studio. She combined her administrative skills with her creative education which consisted of seven years of classical voice training, three years of master voice in Jazz vocal training, creative writing, and photography and built a school celebrating the creative arts. A teacher at heart, she has developed and taught many children's programs: Elementary School Programs such as: The Music of Fairy Tales, The Music of Poetry, and Awakening the Creative Spirit. She is a certified Instructor of a unique program titled Angel Bear Yoga. The program strengthens children’s bodies and builds character through yoga, nature, and creative imagery. She also added music, and creative performance to further enhance and inspire children ages 4-7. As a Director and Playwright, she has developed Second Stage Repertory Company and Creative Drama programs for ages 12-18 and ages 8-11 respectively, she has written, directed, and produced three original plays, and is in the process of writing her forth. As a Teacher of Voice her motto is: "Sing from your heart touch a listener’s soul". Through classical technique she builds vocal strength, she teaches all styles of music, adding music theory, sight singing, as well as music history and appreciation. She also requires students to treat lyrics as poetry encouraging a literary understanding of what they are singing. As a Photographer she believes that a photograph carries with it the spiritual essence of the photographer. The angle, the placement, the lens, the camera, the settings, and post processing indicate much more than a point and a click. To Joanne a photograph is a creative art form based upon how she is feeling about what she is looking at in a moment in time. As she processes the raw photo, she also processes her thoughts and emotions regarding the image. The image then becomes a canvas where upon she can create a visual thought. Joanne truly celebrates the creative arts in her own life and is devoted to teaching others to do the same.