Andrea Cook

Andrea Cook

About The Artist

Andrea Cook | Sharing the Inner Light Artist Andrea Cook creates art that resonates on many levels. She plays with texture, pattern and repetition to create unity in each unique piece. Andrea employs her imagination and inner light to create a connection with her viewer. Born and raised in Dallas, TX, Andrea discovered her artistic desires early on and received a lot of encouragement to follow her dreams. “My first childhood classes were drawing, watercolor, and ceramics. I continued art through high school, where I enjoyed metals, ceramics, and printmaking. “My desire was to make one-of-a-kind, original art,” explains Andrea. “I went on to attend UT El Paso, where I fell in love with sculpture. I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Sculpture and Painting.” After college, Andrea continued to explore different artistic endeavors. “I was working on large scale, soft sculpture installation,” she explains. “It was at this same time that I started the ‘Garden of Roses’ as a large, soft sculpture, temporary installation.” Exploration, risk taking, change, and growth have all contributed to the techniques that she uses in her work today. “Sharing my inner light, passion, and imagination is my way of making important connections.”