Mirella La Rosa

Mirella La Rosa

About The Artist

Venetian born and bred, I obtained a degree in Humanities at the University of Cà Foscari with a thesis on the History of Cinema. I have dedicated myself with great passion for over twenty years to the art of photography which I consider to be a means of expressing emotions. While keeping on exploring with curiosity and enthusiasm the many fields of photography (from street photography to reportage) my prevalent passion is creative photography and artistic expression in a broader sense, also through the combination of different tecniques. In fact I enjoy experimenting with the various possibilities offered by the many technical instruments available today, such as elaborating photos taken with my digital camera through the use of colours, brushes, digital imaging softwares with the sole intention of widening the horizon of my creative inspiration. I have shown some of my works in personal and collective exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Contact: milarosa@icloud.com Web site: www.larosafotografa.it