Decorating the partition walls of a construction site in Milan

paolo bongianino paolo bongianino

APRIL 19, 2018

Paolo Bongianino is among the winners of the contest for the decoration of the temporary walls of the construction sites of the 4th line of the city underground. The installation “nature in the changing city” is in Via Lorenteggio 124 in the direction of the city center. The works proposed to "dress" the temporary partition walls offer a harmonious composition, not with the aim of creating suggestive images and artifacts but rather transferring the attention to the image and to the details, returning the emotion of a meeting with a look attentive to the atmospheres of the place, made of bright lights and shadows defining shapes. The development of the presentation, parallel to the sidewalks and the road, favours observation and meditation, being an "en plein air" art gallery for those who travel on the road or walk on the sidewalks.