About The Artist

Born in 1966, in Pirot, Serbia. Graduated from Belgrade Faculty of Fine Arts, in the painting department and obtained M. A. degree in 1995. Member of Serbian Painters Association “ULUS” since 1993. Had over 20 individual exhibitions and the most important are: Gallery SULUJ, Belgrade; Gallery 73, Belgrade; Galerie de l’Angle, Paris; Gallery Narodnog muzeja, Vranje; Gallery Cedomir Krstic, Pirot. Some of the artwork is part of the museums' collections in Serbia, but also abroad. Participated in a number of group exhibitions in the country since 1984. Currently principal of “Doctor Dragan Hercog” elementary school in Belgrade. Author of Alimpije’s Circus, a novel published in 2005. Author of performance “Just Another Day in an Archaic Painter’s Life” and “Reverse Meditations” Founder of music-art group Shook Stampedo (1992-2013) Plays tenor saxophone in experimental jazz musical group “Institute”