ray vagner - SKETCHLIGHT

ray vagner - SKETCHLIGHT

About The Artist

SKETCHLIGH Ray Vagner . Keren Eicher . Aria Geler . Roy Shoval Sketchlight was established in 2014 by two women artists Ray Vagner & Keren Eicher In time, Arie Geler and Roy Shoval joined and became an integral part of creation, This type of photography is very complex and requires the Collaboration of several people at the same time to create the image Light painting is an art form, a combination of painting and photography, darkness is our canvas and light is the brush All of our artworks are pictures Light painting created in real time captured to the camera in one single photographic frame. Without Photoshop intervention The artworks are done in a completely dark studio or at night in places where there is no artificial "light pollution" We use different and special lighting tools Some of the tools we use we built ourselves Light painting is an art form a technique consists of creating Images by capchering the movement of light. in all our creation we do the lightning by hand, We see the movement constantly changing We are exploring all kinds of technique some of our work highlights the abstract nature of light, we are inspired by the beauty of light in all it’s various forms. We are constantly searching for new color textures and tools. It is a technique that creates the impossible, records the paths of light in to the picture, reveals something hidden in the real world. Light painting is a clear testimony to the beauty of the phenomenon of light. The creative potential of light brings new sensations, new colors, new meaning to our lives. Despite the frequent use of concepts such as modern art, and the shadow of the technological and digital changes in photography, the emphasis in our artworks is precisely on analog, manual, low-tech aesthetics. Through the use of technique from the beginning of photography to create Modern art, I think that this way you can reinvent the medium of photography. My intention is to raise awareness of the existence of this type of artwork "light painting" and its inherent charm Our artworks deals with the subject of divine endless and surrounding light , the light that the human eye can not see, the artworks reveal something hidden from the real world Together, we offer nonlinear, critical and contextual ways of tracking hidden light and reveal spiritual circles and routes that can be challenged, directed, Or display them in a new light to create unexpected beauty Quote that gave us a lot of inspiration by A.D. Gordon "The light will not defeat the darkness as long as we dont stand on the simple truth that instead of fighting the dark we must increase the light CONTACT Ray Vagner Address: Israel - Petah tikva E-mail: sketch.rg@gmail.com 050-6943190 Phone Number: CV Ray Vagner & Keren Eicher are an official representative of Israel Since 2015 in the "light painting world alliance", an international nonprofit organization that brings together all the best light painters in the field from all over the world. I participated in the world competition and reached the top ten finalists http://www.lpwalliance.com/database/reut_vagner&2 Solo exhibition the first exhibition in this field in Israel (our solo exhibition) was held at the "Ben Ami" Gallery Tel Aviv on18-05-17, Curator - Yohanan Herson, Producer Michal Sadan - The exhibition won a lot of Good reviews "Maariv" published the exhibition in the culture supplement, a large article was published in the Friday Metro supplement of the "Jerusalem Post", and our artwork was published in the Saturday supplement in "Makor Rishon" Group exhibitions around the world 1- we display in agroup exhibition that opened on 18-01-18 in Milan Italy, an exhibition entitled "The Principle of Hope - a new world" in "centro asteria" in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day - the exhibition continues to display in the world and presents in Israel "byad lebanim" Ramat Gan Opening 08-04-18 – and at the central ceremony at the Ramat Gan Theater our artwork appears on the official invitation 2- An exhibition of the "three rivers art project" association of "Jacob Elbaz" Gallery in Hudson New York , Opening 12-05-18 3- a group exhibition on behalf of UNESCO, in cooperation with Light Painting World Alliance, which was held in Paris, France, on May 16-18, marking the international day of light declared by UNESCO, an exhibition of the best light painters from all over the world. We represent Israel as one of the countries participating in the exhibition Special project A project that we created especially for Israel's 70 Memorial and Independence Day A tribute to the commemoration of the light of their heroism and darkness ot There absence of Israel's fallen soldiers, was published in "Israel Hayom" newspaper, and were interviewed on television on 17-04-18 on "Keshet's" morning program "Paula and Leon" presented and discussed the project. Link to an article in "Israel hayom" and Link to view the project: http://www.israelhayom.co.il/article/544047 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVYdC_o0ZIM&feature=share Group exhibitions in Israel 1 - "A Look at Love" at "Tzadik" Gallery in Jaffa 07-08-17 - 15-08-17 2 -"The Language of Art", Tirosh Gallery, Herzliya 04-06-17 - 18-06-17 3 - "Fire Earth Air and Water" took place in the "Space Gallery" Tel Aviv "Gan haier" Curator Iki Shoval 07-06-17 to 7-07-17 4 - "Evening of Roses" took place at the Mann Auditorium Petach Tikva Curator Alona Shleifek 5-8-17 until 10-09-17 5 - "Winter" at the "Universal Art Gallery" at the "Neve Tzedek" station 06-11-7-28-01-18 6 - "The Light" Autumn 2017 Florentine in cooperation with "Toby 60" dates 09-11-17 until 16-11-17 7 - Tel Aviv "Salon, Jaffa Port." Opening on 27-03-18 until 01-05-18 8 - "Creative Women" Women Artists Festival Ramat Gan Opening 22-03-18 9 - "My ASUS.My Style. My Future" Exhibition an art exhibition that is a collaboration between the ASUS computer company and the Studio 6B studio. and stand-alone artists 26-04-18 - at the "studio 6b" tel aviv https://www.facebook.com/Sketchlight-146384898766836/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel http://sketchrg.wixsite.com/sketchlight http://www.lpwalliance.com/database/reut_vagner&2 https://www.instagram.com/ http://www.israelhayom.co.il/article/544047 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVYdC_o0ZIM&feature=share