Spyros Kolyvas

Spyros Kolyvas

About The Artist

Surname: Kolyvas Name: Spyros Address: 3D Analypseos Str. Corfu, 49100, Greece Phone Numbers: +302661045096, +306973407988 e-mail: kolyvasspyros@hotmail.com Website: kolyvas.daportfolio.com Education 1972-82 Drawing at the Art School ?f Corfu, under Nikolaos Zervos and Marios Pieris, famous Greek painters 1985-90 Studies at the Theological Department ?f the University ?f Athens 1989-91 “Watercolour” courses under Dr. A.Petromihelaki, famous Greek painter 1994-99 Studies at the Athens School ?f Fine Arts, painting at the studio ?f Professor D. Mytaras 1996-98 Supplementary courses ?n the technique ?f fresco and ?f portable icons at the School ?f Fine Arts Scholarships and awards 2011 Meritorious Entry, Richeson 75 Still Life, Floral & Abstract competition, United States, Wisconsin, Kimberly. 2011 40 Special Regognition Awards ?? seascapes?? Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery. 2010 Meritorious Entry, The Richeson 75:International Landscape, Seascape and Architectural Competition 2010, United States, Wisconsin, Kimberly. 2010 Finalist- CityScapes artscenetoday.com-online Competition, Juried by Roberta Berman/ sculptor, curator and educator. 2010 Honorable Mention Award-??Landscapes??myartcontest.com - Online Art Contest, Juror-Ingrid Marreno. http://www.myartcontest.com/winners-feb.html 2010 Finalist -?? Abstractions of the Mind?? Artscenetoday.com - Online Painting Competition , Juried by Lisa Cooper / Director Contemporary Art Gallery in Riverdale, New York. 2010 Finalist in Art Kudos International Juried Art Competition and Exhibition (online), Juried by Mitchell Albala /author and instructor at the Gage Academy of Art in Seattle. 2009 Meritorious Entry, The Richeson 75 International Figure/Portrait Competition 2009, Kimberly, WI 1997-98 Scholarship and grant from the State Foundation ?f Scholarships for his academic achievements Teaching experience 2002 until today he teaches drawing, sketching and history of art at the 1st Technical School ?f Corfu in the field ?f Applied Arts, responsible ?f the studio ?f Graphical Arts. Teacher at the Vocational Training Institute ?f Corfu in the field ?f Applied Arts Memberships 2011 until today Member of Athens Art International Arts Festival. 2010 until today Member of international Union of Mail- Artists IUOMA 1999 until today Member ?f the Greek Chamber ?f Visual Arts 1999 until today Member ?f the Union of Fine Arts Teachers in Secondary Education Personal Exhibitions 2007 Painting Exhibition “watercolours”, Cultural Centre Exhibition Room - 4th European Sound and Music Computing Conference, Lefkas 2000 Painting Exhibition, “Theodoros Stamos” Art Gallery, Cultural Centre ?f Lefkas, Speech and Arts Lefkas Festival, July 2000 1991 Painting Exhibition, Cultural Centre Gallery ?f Zografou, Athens Selected Group Exhibitions 2011 Exhibition of Visual Artists, ARTWAY, Center of Arts and Culture City Maroussi, Greece. 2011 40 Special Regognition Awards ?? seascapes?? Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery. http://www.lightspacetime.com/exhibitions/our-current-exhibition-seascapes/ 2011 Upstream People Gallery ?? 13th Annual All Media Juried Online International Art Exhibition??, Juror- Laurence Bradshaw ,Curator, Professor of Art , University of Nebraska Omaha, USA. http://www.upstreampeoplegallery.com 2010 The Richeson School of Art and Gallery, Richeson 75:International Landscape, Seascape and Architectural Competition Exhibition 2010, United States, Wisconsin, Kimberly. 2010 Art Scene Today, Aug/Sept 2010 Competition ?? CityScapes??, Juror- Roberta Berman. http://artscenetoday.com/juried-exhibitions/cityscapes1/ 2010 International exhibition Mail Art ?? Human, Colours, Music ?? November, ??Polyhoros??- -New Town Hall, Thessaloniki, Greece. http://human-colours-music-thessaloniki.blogspot.com/2010/10/kolyvas-spyros-greece.html 2010 September project 30 exhibition. http://www.projekt30.com/final_display.php?show_id=91&func=names 2010 August project 30 exhibition. http://www.30art.com/display.php?npno=2&show_id=90 2010 Art Scene Today, June/July 2010 Competition ?? Abstractions of the Mind??, Juror- Lisa Cooper. http://artscenetoday.com/juried-exhibitions/abstractions1/ 2010 Art Kudos International Juried Art Competition and Exhibition 2010, Juror- Mitchell Albala. http://www.artkudos.com/2010/1029_1.html 2010 International Mail Art Project No Comercial Potential, Exhibition: Galleria Terre Rare – Bologna Garage N.3 Gallery - Venezia Mestre Spazio espositivo "Barrique" Scriò di Dolegna del Collio GO 2010 ??Landscapes?? International Online Art Contest and Exhibition 2010, Juror-Ingrid Marreno. www.myartcontest.com/current-Landscapes. 2010 International exhibition Mail Art ?? Human, Colours, Music?? June 21-28, Syntagma Square Athens-Greece. 2009-10 The Art Way Festival, Athens, Kalamata, Thessaloniki, Patra. 2009 International Miniature Art Exhibit, “La Galerie Louise-Carrier”, Levis, Québec, Canada 2009 The Richeson School of Art and Gallery, Richeson 75 International Figure/Portrait Competition Exhibition 2009, United States, Wisconsin, Kimberly 2009 Group Painting Exhibition “A school for Palestine”, Municipal gallery of Corfu. 2008 Exhibition of Visual Arts “Technopolis”, Athens, Municipality of Athens, Greece 2007 Woman and Inspiration, Marko ?. Gregovic Gallery, Petrovac Montenegro 2007 International Miniature Art Exhibit, “La Galerie Louise-Carrier”, Levis, Québec, Canada 2006 Second International Biennial ?f the Fine Art Nude, Marko ?. Gregovic Gallery, Petrovac Montenegro 2005 1st International Biennial ?f Miniature Art, Niksic, SCG 2005 Group Painting Exhibition: “50 years Speech and Arts Lefkas Festival”, Art Gallery ?f Lefkas Cultural Centre 2004 7th International Biennial ?f Miniature Art, Muse ?f Miniature, Montelimar, France 2004 7th International Biennial ?f Miniature Art, Augustin-Chénier Gallery, Québec, Canada 2003 14th Ionian Art Exhibition, “Theodoros Stamos” Art Gallery, Lefkas 2002 1st Interbalcan Forum ?f Contemporary Miniature Art, Warehouse ?, State Museum ?f Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki 2002 Exhibition ?f “New Artists”, Technopolis, Athens, Greek Chamber ?f Visual Arts 2002 6th International Biennial ?f Miniature Art, Augustin-Chénier Gallery, Québec, Canada 2002 13th Ionian Art Exhibition, “Theodoros Stamos” Art Gallery, Lefkas 2001 “Month ?f Visual Arts”, October 2001, Technopolis, Athens, Municipality ?f Athens, Greek Chamber ?f Visual Arts 2001 Painting Exhibition “Natural and Human Landscapes”, Artower Agora, ArtNet Galleries, Athens 2000 “Sinaide Ghi” International Watercolour Painting Exhibition, Rome 2000 5th International Biennial ?f Miniature Art, Augustin- Chénier Gallery, Québec, Canada 2000 Exhibition ?f the Athens School ?f Fine Arts Graduates, “The Factory” Gallery, Athens 1998 Second Annual Fine Arts Contest, “News ?f Art”, Maris Hotels Crete 1995 19th Greek Exhibition ?f Sea Painting, Philological Foundation ?f Piraeu 1992 Exhibition ?f painting, sculpture and engraving, University ?f Athens, Filiki Eteria ?f Scientists Artists, K.Palamas building, Athens 1992 18th Greek Exhibition ?f Sea Painting, Philological Foundation ?f Piraeus 1990 Exhibition ?f painting, sculpture and engraving: “Sea Week”, Municipal Gallery ?f Palaio Faliro, Piraeus Articles and reviews about his work -??Expressive and Fluid Figurative work??Critique by Arlissa Vaughn, Senior Editor of Visual Overture Magazine, 2010, International Contemporary artists-Volume II, ICA Publishing 2011. - Art critique by Doris Silverman (Art critic, MA), Featured Artists, Mediaplan Publishing,USA. - “Spyros Kolyvas’ watercolours”, Christou Thanos (Assistant Professor of History of Art, University of Ioannina), catalogue of the exhibition “watercolours” 2007 - “Spyros Kolyvas: Watercolours moistened with sea breeze”, Saiti Hara (art theorist), “News of Lefkas” newspaper, July 20 2007 - “Spyros Kolyvas’ watercolours”, Papadatou Tzeni (art critic), “Eleftheria” Newspaper, Corfu July 18 2007 - “Spyros Kolyvas’ painting exhibition”, Zolas Eleftherios (lawyer), “Imera” Newspaper, Lefkas July 20 2000,