terry orletsky

terry orletsky

About The Artist

Turner and Monet provide inspiration. Their work glows with light and their work is infused with motion. They made landscapes relevant. My work emulates. Landscapes are fluid; skies threaten, clouds move, grain sways, trees rustle. A city scape is frenetic with abstract traffic. Mist rises and a path beckons one into the scene. The canvas is attacked with knife and brush and enthusiasm and the experience of long life. My paintings exude moods and motion and the evolution of my art tends more and more to the knife and rich color. One collector said, “You are obviously not afraid of the canvas!” I resonate with that. Many of my paintings hint of man – a road or a pathway; a collection of farm buildings. My painting of the ghost town of Bodie has the work of man being reabsorbed into the fabric of nature. The lone trees on the Saskatchewan landscape overshadow the vast expanse of the prairie of grain planted by the farmer. The thunderstorm overpowers the homestead. I invite you in.