by Phil the Forecaster Chadwick

Artwork Description

Spring Reflections

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With spring one day away, I had some time to paint after a frustrating day of missed calls and no responses from people who should respond. I channeled my frustration into a positive experience. I let myself and the paint fly. I hope it was successful. It was a beautiful day and that is all that really mattered. A muskrat came up close behind me. I also took a paddle in Margaritaville to inspect the ice and the shoreline. The ducks, geese and eagles kept me company over the water. The bluebirds, red-wing blackbirds and robins kept me company over the land. So I was really reflecting on the day and the soothing effects of the water and the enduring nature of the forest. Nature is the one true constant in life and it is priceless.

Artwork Details

