Jose Luis Quinones

Jose Luis Quinones

About The Artist

I was born in Yauco, Puerto Rico. I completed my Art Education at Cooper School of Art and the Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, Ohio. I have been exhibiting my paintings for over forty years throughout the United States and abroad. Like Rosenquist, I painted billboards for an outdoor media company. Painting on such a large scale had influenced the size of my art which I found an important factor in the impact on the viewer. Some of the murals used extensions on the perimeters of the billboard enhancing their ideas which lead me to shape my paintings. I was fascinated with Photorealism and the Pop Art era. I generated an innovative idea of combining simple everyday objects using Photorealism, eliminating the background, and enlarging the object to make a unique statement. My paintings are in oil on shaped canvas, hand-painted and executed to look like an airbrush technique. I blend my Photorealistic style with Pop Art to transform a two-dimensional surface into a three-dimensional illusion.