Katia De Rosa

Katia De Rosa

About The Artist

'm Katia De Rosa, born in Rome in 1975. I graduated in advertising graphics, work at the age of 19 in the family business and I deal with artistic stained glass. I have always participated in several art exhibitions and won prizes. Among the first exhibitions I remember: "From Murano to Rome", year 2002 salt of Bramante Piazza del Popolo in Rome "Art of fire and earth", year 2003 salt of Bramante Piazza del popolo "Creative Handcraft Award Exhibition" year 2008 and 2009 Chiostro del Borromini. "Exhibition Prize" year 2011 Piazza del Gesù at the exhibition halls of the Most Holy Name of Jesus in Argentina, exhibitions published in the magazines of the cultural center Rinascita Artistica. "Gild'Art international" at the Guild of Rome, year 2015 publication in the newspaper: La Voce pag. Culture 16-12-2015. "Gild'Art Piper Arte" Rome, year 2017. "Biennale di Roma 2018", in the halls of Bramante in Piazza del Popolo. "41th edition of the Medusa Aurea Trophy", year 2018, with AIAM International Academy of Modern Art. "Exhibition at Scope art of New York 2018". "Selection exhibition for the Biennale 2020", at the Castel Sant'Angelo art gallery, year 2019. Permanent exhibition at "European Art Museum", in Frederiksvaerk in Denmark, year 2019. Gifts made for the Holy Father John Paul II, on behalf of the prisoners who asked for the pardon, for the beatification of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and for the 25 years of the Pontificate, with commendation by the Holy Father in 2002. I made restorations and remakes of the stained glass windows for different churches in Rome:  S.Susanna San Carlo al Corso Santa Maria delle Grazie La Navicella Trinità dei Monti San Crisogono San Camillo de Lellis San Giovanni in Laterano and others .