Konstantinos Kounalis

Konstantinos Kounalis

About The Artist

Born in 1968 and grew up in Crete. Graduate of Athens Fine Arts University in Visual Arts section of the painting workshop Chronis Botsoglou and C. Lazongas, while Bachelor of Art Education. Also, I’ve have attended workshops like Printmaking (woodcut), Photography and Multimedia in Athens and coursework the winter of 2006 in Paris 8, like Chinese calligraphy, virtual directories, and plastic arts I've worked in Public Schools and Workshops Member of visual arts Chamber in Greece and member of the Association of Educational Fine Arts in Greece Honorary Award in ''63 ème salon des Artistes du Hurepoix'' in St. Geneviève des Bois, Paris Has made 7 solos and has participated in many group exhibitions in Greece and abroad email: kounalis.kostas@hotmail.com website: https://www.artkounaliskonstantinos.com/ VR Expo: https://www.artsteps.com/view/5fb4329e16c5b05611a867d9