Norbert Szük

Norbert Szük

About The Artist

I create mainly acrylic and oil paintings on canvas in an ever more colourful style due to my time spent in Bali and traveling worldwide. I admire all the art trends, however I am most delighted by surrealism and pop-art, which two can actually be felt in my works. My current style is the most optimistic and positive of all, transmitting a sense of cheer and harmony. I have been painting for more than forty years, thus I own a wide range of style and genres. I have been seeking and exploring myself, experimenting at all times, therefore I own various artistic periods and styles. I strive for renewal and innovation which act as a drive for me in the creative process. My paintings are very popular in Hungary, which is demostrated by the fact that Playboy Hungary has been using my paintings as illustrations in the magazine for nineteen years. I taught graphics and fashion design at art academies in Budapest, many of my artwork have been utilized on clothes made by fashion designers, and several graphic designs were published on music posters and CD covers. As an art manager, I have organized cultural events, art camps, art workshops, exhibitons both in Hungary and abroad. I lived in Bali, Indonesia during three years and since then I have been organizing art camps for photographers and painters to Ubud, the Balinese city of arts, as well as to the Indian city of Jodhpur. Between 2000 and 2015 I have organized and managed several hundreds of art projects, providing opportunities for young artists to showcase their talent. At present, art management tasks are overshadowed by painting to which I pay more attention and energy.