Michael Gora

Michael Gora

About The Artist

I have a day job, as many of us do, but I dedicate a large slice of my life to the improvement of my artistic life through photography. For a long time I had a working dark room in place in my home. A friend in California turned me onto digital photography several years ago. As former President of The Boca Raton Museum of Art I took advantage of our art school's photography classes and met wonderful friends. A dozen of us now meet twice a month as a critique group we call Monday Night. My work is found in the permanent collection of two museums. I often have shows in galleries and local venues such as restaurants and banks. I also participate regularly in a few contests across the nation and world. My general portfolio is called "Earthlings" which has sub portfolios in fine art, portrait, street, and photojournalism including sport and entertainment components. A perfect subject for me is an interesting looking human being.