by Christopher Sheils

Artwork Description

At theCrossroads

0.0 x 0.0

At the Crossroads Unsurprisingly, this is the image that took the longest. Over six months working on it almost exclusively. The girl is well camouflaged partly due to tonal similarity. Certainly in this image the person is not the focal point. In fact she is being overpowered by the strength of the W and X lines as well as the convergent lines of the girders. While she is at a crossroad, the only way out is back the way she came. Scaling the girl led to an odd problem. Where she is positioned she is proximal to two different scalings and to be correct she needs to be bigger and smaller at the same time. I opted for midrange which should be doubly wrong but somehow seems right. Still, who cares when you live in a world of daisy chains and laughs, where you can believe in six impossible things before breakfast.

Artwork Details

Medium: Photography

Genre: Surrealism