Pop Art Athina

Athina Kotsoni Synetou

Education: Vakalo School (design) ABC Designer School Diakosmititi School Modelist (fashion designer) Petra School (conservation and appreciation of works of art) Visitor student of School of Fine Arts Diploma of Patent from the States Organization of Industrial Property (OBI) Owner of 7 Art Galleries Athina Kotsoni created the portraits of: The Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom Princess Diana Queen Sophia of Spain (Accreditation letters found on the website www.athina-kotsoni.gr) For the last 20 years she presents TV Shows conceerning Art and her discovery Athina Code: Pop Art ATHINA 4,5 (YouTube), CODE Athina (YouTube). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeIS6sBWh5PABH7fZaEIP7A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XufkoXCXy3c Exhibitions: Luxemburg Museum Megaart Italy Gallery Agora New York Turkey Aivali Saatchi Art Miami, Paris, Vienna and others Contact Information: Athina Kotsoni Sinetou Instagram: Athena Kotsone FB: Athina Kotsoni Sinetou Website: http://www.athina-kotsoni.gr