The Lion's Head was conceived by the Lions of Baguio in the late 1960's, and was formally unveiled to the public in 1972, with PDG Luis Lardizabal, then District Governor Robert John Webber and then-President Pedro Z. Claravall spearheading the project. The 40-foot sculpture was carved out of natural limestone by Cordilleran artist Reynaldo Lopez Nanyac. The original Lion's Head was financed partly through generous donations by Baguio Lions Club members and from proceeds generated by the recently-concluded State Convention in Baguio City. In 2003, a Memorandum of Agreement was signed by then City Mayor (and Lion PDG) Bernardo M. Vergara, Club President Peter Ng and Mr. Albert Lee, CEO of Davies Paints Philippines, that authorizes Davies Paints to handle the repainting of the Lion's Head as required, under the supervision of Baguio City Host Lions Club. Since the signing of the MOA, the Lion's Head has undergone 3 major repaintings.

Famous historical monuments and statues in the Philippines

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Reynaldo Lopez Nanyac

Famous historical monuments and statues in the Philippines


Alain Pascua

Haring Ibon is Alain Pascua's fourth set of collection of bird photos for exhibition. This set focuses on the Great Philippine Eagle as a subject both in portraiture and in action in the wild. This showcases the beauty behind Philippines National Bird's endangerment.