Liu Chun Chih

Liu Chun Chih

About The Artist

Taiwan Changhua County 台灣 彰化縣 感受生命帶來的每個當下,以抽象畫面呈現內心的感受,一步一步向前邁進,創造生命的價值。 Feel every moment brought by life, use abstract pictures to present inner feelings, move forward step by step, and create the value of life. 2023 灰立方畫廊2023年5月的第四屆色彩在線藝術展。榮譽獎 Grey Cube Gallery the fourth Colors online art show for the month of May 2023. HONORABLE MENTION 2023 第57屆國際Artavita線上藝術大賽 優勝 在第 12 期 World Wide Aat Magazine 獲獎者中免費發表 The 57st International Artavita Online Art Contest. Winner Free Presentation in The 12th Issue OF World Wide Aat Magazine 2023 Light Space & Time 第14屆“Abstracts”線上藝術大賽攝影與數碼類 第10名 Light Space & Time 14th Annual “Abstracts” Online Art Competition Photography & Digital 10TH PLACE 2023 Circle 基金會Spotlight 雜誌封面大賽 優秀獎 Circle Foundation Spotlight Magazine Cover Contest Artistic Excellence Award 2023 Circle 基金會年度藝術家大賽 優秀獎 CFA Artist of the Year Contest. Artistic Excellence Award 2023 第56屆國際Artavita線上藝術大賽 Artavita 年度藝術家 入選 The 56st International Artavita Online Art Contest. Artavita Artist of the year Finalist Certificate 2023 Light Space & Time 第13屆“Botanicals”線上藝術大賽攝影與數碼類 特別優異獎 Light Space & Time 13th Annual “Botanicals” 2023 Online Art Competition Photography & Digital Category Special Merit 2022 Circle 基金會紐約展覽比賽 入選 Circle Foundation for the Arts Exhibition in New York Contest Finalist Certificate 2022 Circle 基金會藝術圈藝術評論季刊雜誌大賽 優秀獎 Circle Foundation for the Arts Circle Quarterly Art Review Magazine Contest Artistic Excellence 2022第53屆國際Artavita線上藝術大賽 入選 The 53st International Artavita Online Art Contest. Finalist Certificate 2022 5/6月Circle 基金會5/6月藝術藝術家大賽 優選 Circle Foundation for the Arts Artist of the Month Competition. Certificate of Excellence 2022第51屆國際Artavita線上藝術大賽 入選 The 51st International Artavita Online Art Contest. Finalist Award 2005年日本IFA國際美術協會展神戶市教育委員會賞 Japan IFA International Art Association Exhibition Kobe City Board of Education Award