Iwona Duniec

Iwona Duniec

About The Artist

I'm surrealistic artist and decorator born in Poland in beautiful town Cracow, currently based in Chicago. Through all my life I was always fascinated by phenomenon of light and color what naturally drown me to painting. My interest was cultivated during my teenage years and further developed under leadership of outstanding painter Voytek Glinkowski. Painting always brings me peace and offers moment of meditation. For me art means energy, a journey to the “wonderland” where limits do not exist. It’s a dialog between color, light and canvas where I can store the vibration and share with the audience. This is a never-ending search for the meaning of something, that is beyond the limits of our capacity to fully describe with language. I recognize that there is a depth dimension to the world beyond surface appearance, a supreme being, the divine, which connects all living beings. I’m fascinated by the presence and beauty of the universe which is very visible in my work. Nature, the internet, recalls from a dream or a vision from meditation are other visual stimuli for my creativity. My artwork is characterized by richly textured surfaces, which evoke the dynamic of unfettered motion, color sensations, and light. I synthesize a wide range of mixed media: oil, acrylic, molding paste, etc., which connect into a harmonic composition to create artwork that elicits emotion in the recipient.