by Law Blank

Artwork Description


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It dawned on me, as I started seeing more and more astronauts in my work, that something about the image of a human (presumably) floating in space, really crystalizes the notion that identity is not as complex as we make it out to be. This has had a direct impact on how I portray identity in my work; be it astronaut, brain, skeleton, etc, it all boils down to the fact that our identity, at its core, is not relevant. We are objects performing function on a small rock in the vast universe. Humbling. Lost Information is about giving up the ego of identity, to be in our skin but not let it define us, to understand that we are truly insignificant accept in the moment that we accept our insignificance and truly live, without baggage of the past, desire of the future, or despite the present. Also, I thought it was a really badass there's that too.

Artwork Details

Medium: Mixed Media

Genre: Pop Art