About The Artist

Piece title: Are human beings currently living well? Did humans create the behavioral privileges that they have enjoyed in the history of mankind? Is it right to say that humans are the only entity that governs the world in the place called the earth? If it is so, were they given the qualification to govern or did they grant themselves with it? Are we protector or destroyer? Or are we a part of symbiosis relationship with inanimate and animate objects, yet practice special authority? Are we not defining as we like the properties of creation and extinction in the unlimited expansion of concepts? Is mankind constantly advancing? Wouldn’t we occasionally have to reflect and ask ourselves the questions like these in a very fundamental approach? Such thoughts that seem pretty big and basic at the same time came to my mind one day. What is expressed in my pieces are the results of processes left by the time trying to show the opportunities for meditative reflection on the questions like these. Different objects appearing in the pieces have different meanings and they are the combination and harmony that encompass the past, the present, and the future. The paper box used instead of canvas (paper box used in product packing) is a common packing container that is used for all good produced by the modern mankind and is the representative object that symbolizes the mankind at present, and cement is also seen as a by-product that defines the civilization. Images like animals that can’t be really defined (familiar but not clear) are imagination that refers to the lives that became extinct in the history of mankind, and images such as clouds and sun are from fixed patterns that children draw which means purity and reflecting the start. Transforming coincidental forms that are naturally made while spilling and painting ink on a paper into other images and using them is also a part of theoretical reflection of ego and consolation of life that wants expression to be happy like a play. Pieces expressed in three-dimensional form are also expressed in the same way in the continuation of properties of plane. “How do you see it?” is of course subjective of the one who sees it, but pieces expressed in these meanings are the results of these days. I think that taking a step back to reflect on ourselves is a responsibility and an obligation that humans necessarily have to follow. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : E7 (E Seven) Profile : Free for all -9 times, team competition? tens of times, Korean Galleries Mid Fair, etc Solo Exhibition / Domestic private Exhibition 1) 1991 Batang-gol Gallery(Seoul) Painting 2) 1993 Cheong nam art Gallery(Seoul) Drawing 3) 1993 Dansung Gallery(Seoul) Painting 4) 1994 Gallery Maul (Seoul) Painting 5) 1994 Dansung Gallery(Seoul) Painting 6) 1996 Cosmos Gallery(Seoul) Painting & Sculpture 7) 2007 Du Mul Gallerycafe(Namyangju-si) Painting 8) 2015 Ganainsa Art Center(3 Third floor special museum) 9) 2021 MV1 Workshops (Namyangju-si) Painting