Pawel Opalinski

Pawel Opalinski

About The Artist

Born on February 23, 1967 in Kielce (Poland). A graduate of the Faculty of Graphics and Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź (Poland) - diploma with honors in the publishing graphics design studio in 2003. Doctorate at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz (Poland) in 2011. Habilitation in 2017 at the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (Poland). His artistic research interests include the emotions of the recipient of a visual message - in which, as the creator, he interacts through a specific code, calculated and shaped for a specific purpose. Searching for innovative forms of photographic expression, he uses his own experimental imaging techniques. A special place in his work is occupied by landscape photography and creative photography. Artistic works, exhibited both in Poland and abroad, have brought the author a number of awards, including in such prestigious competitions as the International Photography Awards (USA) - 10 awards in the following categories: fine art, documentary and landscape; Tokyo International Foto Awards (Japan) - in the category Fine Art/abstract; Paris Photography Prize (France) - in the category The Best Photographic Book of The Year; Mountain Photography Biennial (Poland) - Grand Prix or International Mountain Photography Competition (Poland) - twice Grand Prix and gold medals of the International Federation of Art Photographers (FIAP). The author has also been awarded the Tatra National Park Award (Poland) twice for popularizing the beauty of Tatra landscapes.