Ingunn Judith Moen Reinsnes

Ingunn Judith Moen Reinsnes

About The Artist

In Vesterålen, north of Norway, where I live, and during travels I have taken in the northen regions- Northen Russia, Iceland, Spitzbergen- I find inspiration for painting nature`s essence and being, which also found inherent in humans. I listen to nature and try to communicate this to canvas. This is really a Zen Buddhist exercise more than pure re-creation/representation of nature.   I have roots in both the Sea Sami and the ethnic Norwegian population of Vesterålen and Steigen. Both of these groups have lived here and were dependent on what they could glean from nature. Through assimilation of the Sami people and the Norwegians, the Sami culture has lost out to the Norwegian. As a parallell to this nearly lost culture, I see human dominance over nature as a losing prospect because of the greed. To acquire material wealth. This is possily our last chance to prevent this injustice perpetrated on Sami culture and against nature itself. Has participated in a number of juried group and solo exhibitions. Recipient of several art stipends. Public decoration commissions. Membership: NBK - International Association of Art (IAA) Europe, SDS-Sámi Dáiddačehpiid Searvi/Sámi Artists Union .