About The Artist

Meg Black has been a practicing artist working with natural fibers for over thirty-five years. As one of a handful of artists working in this exploratory medium, she has become something of a pioneer, internationally recognized by galleries and collectors alike. Her focus on nature’s palette, compositions and energy yields stunning landscapes, seascapes, and garden views. Her paintings are acclaimed for their textured surface and colorful luminosity. Meg received a PhD. in Education from Lesley University, an MFA in Studio Art from the Massachusetts College of Art, and a BFA from the State University of New York, Oswego. She has extensive teaching experience including a term as a visiting instructor at the Studio Art Center International in Florence, Italy. Meg’s work has been included in multiple group and solo exhibitions and has been acquisitioned into private, corporate, healthcare, and public collections, including the United States Embassy, Belgrade, Fidelity Investments, General Foods, and the State of New Hampshire 1% for Art Program. Her artist books may be found in the collections of the Houghton Library of Harvard University, the Rhode Island School of Design Print Library, the Boston Public Library, and Smith College Library. As a widely acclaimed artist, Meg has been asked to contribute to several art publications including The Arts, Aesthetics, and Education, and Hand Papermaking Magazine. She is the 2023 recipient of the Sara Gilfert Award for paper excellence.