Eric Polins

Eric Polins

About The Artist

Born in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, but grew up in every state on the east coast do to his father's consulting career. As a young boy he turned out 8mm features spliced for home movies with such titles as Monkey on Fire (not to be confused with Man on Fire). The son of an engineer and illustrator, young Polins was trained for a career in art and became so proficient he was published by age 12. Because of his families extensive moving, Polins begged his parents to send him to military school after seeing the movie Taps. During a move his family made in the 11th grade, his father died suddenly of congestive heart failure. Polins would return to Camden Military Academy in Camden, South Carolina for his senior year to graduate third in his class with honors. Polins attended The Pennsylvania State University as a journalism broadcasting major in 1987. He tackled the arts vigorously both in and out of the classroom. By the age of 20, he had emulated Jackson Pollock, Mark Chagall and his distant relative, Frederick Remington. While at Penn State he contributed to the campus radio and television station. He enlisted in the United States Marine Corps during the summer of 1990 and spent 13 weeks at Parris Island. Do to a knee injury and surgery he would later receive an honorable/medical discharge within a year. He then left college in 1992 with three credits short of his B.A. in journalism. He moved to northern Virginia for a much needed job with his brother writing radio ads and press releases for his franchised weight loss corporation. Shortly after, his brother sold the business and moved to Florida. Jobless and confused, Polins would try several different careers. They ranged from radio stations to magazines, but he always remained in the arena of communication. It is at this time, the darkest of times, he would write various works of award winning poetry and a children's book that would later be illustrated by his mother and published in 2004. He returned to Pennsylvania to complete his remaining three credits and graduated from Penn State with a B.A. in Journalism Broadcasting in 1993. In 1995 Polins moved to Tampa, Florida and tried his talent as an actor for two years. He was an extra, stand-in and feature in everything from pilots and TV shows to mainstream blockbusters. He would eventually reach a few speaking roles in some "B" low-budget films; however, He remained unfulfilled. After two years in the Florida film industry, Polins served on the creative team of two Tampa-based advertising agencies. In 1999 Polins accepted a position with a Tampa-based Internet Incubator. There, Polins served as the Marketing Director and created the brand platform for The Agency Applet™, for which he was featured in Adweek Magazine. Polins also negotiated the Web site design and implementation of Nokia Latin America and was directly responsible for securing the first interactive Addys Web site project for the American Advertising Federation. In early 2000, Polins co-founded Coniglio Polins, an interactive firm based in Tampa. Coniglio Polins would later merge with marketing consulting veterans Hill & Associates to form Hill, Coniglio, Polins & Associates in 2003. At HCP, Polins serves as a managing partner and a senior consultant for broadcast/film, IT solutions, and creative direction. Polins is in the process of producing three films in the next four years with Gulf+Atlantic Films. Polins has been married 15 years to his beautiful wife Maria. They have a four-year-old son named Zane and are expecting another child in early 2013. They live in south Tampa in a 100+ year-old original Bayshore home that was moved in the 1940s one block inland. They have a St. Bernard and a cat. Together they enjoy home renovation, art, film, antiques, and kayaking.