Aggeliki-Eirini Mitsi

Aggeliki-Eirini Mitsi

About The Artist

She was born in 1974 in Romania and grew up in Thessaloniki where she studied at IPI XINI, at the department of Art Work Maintenance.Among others she followed seminars of “Digital Photography” and “Studio Shooting”, on the first workshop of professional photography of the Association of Professional Photographers of N. greece, in collaboration with the Chamber of Industry of Thessaloniki, in 1998. Central speaker G. Giannouloudis, President of A.P.Ph.Th. She followed seminars on the Tehnics of Black and White Photography in the photography group of municipality of Kalamaria, in 2001. Member of the Association of Professional Photographers of N. Greece till 2004 and of the Photography Center of Thessaloniki. Foundation member of the Association of Friends of Life and Art, in 2008. She was responsible of the photo covering of the carnaval festivities in the municipality of Ampelokipi from 1998 till 2003 as well as for the photo covering for the prints of the municipality of Ampelokipi “THE MAGAZINE” ans “AMPELOKIPI GO FORTH”. She shot many theatrical plays for the thatrical group POUPOULO as well as for the theater and dancing groups of Thessaloniki, the municipality of Polihni, Ampelokipi, Stavroupoli, Theater Aspis, Arma of Theater.In Athens she shot plays by the Naaniki Estia Neas Smirnis, the play “Free Besieged” of Dinisios Solomos by the director Stavros Tsakiris, “50 tshort novels” by Theodoridou Danae, «1900» by Alessandro De Barico and “Aghma Timon” by Nikos Vasileiadis, directory Giannis Riga, Plays of Giannis Ritsos, at the exiles’ museum during the Ritsos year, “Orestis” of Giannis Ritsos performed by Nikos Aivalis etc. In 1997 she becomes member of the Photograhy Club of XINI group. Group photo exhibition of the Club, with subject “SENSATIONS”, at the hall “TASSOS” at the Ampelokipi municipality. In January 2000, she becomes foundation member of the group “PHOTO PRINTS” along with the steady members of the workshop of Ampelokipi municipality and she participates at many groupexhibitions. Individual exhibitions: 2002 «THEATRICAL», individual photo exhibition from theatrical plays of the group “POUPOULO”, at Gioukali café, in collaboration with the Photography Center of Thessaloniki, 26th of March – 14th of April. “ON THE ROAD … WITH CHOPPER’S CLUB”. Individual exhibition with B/W photos with subjects from 2d and 3d RIDER’S SPIRITS, at SILVER DOLLAR café bar, 20 till 30 of April. June, photo exhibition in collaboration with ALPHA NETWORK in the framework of the festivities for the International Day Against Narcotics, at the Ampelokipi municipality square. July, photo exhibition in collaboration with the Navy Administration of Northern greece, during the festivities of the Navy week, at the navy park of the Port of Thessaloniki. August, photo exhibition at the yearly festivity “Full Moon” at Faros (Old Fortress), durings the festivities of the Cultural Association of Aggelohori “Pharos”. Under the egid of the Cultural Center of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki. 2004 March, group photo exhibition “Landscapes in Time”, at the gallery of the bookshop IANOS (Ampelokipi), in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, the Municipality of Ampelokipi and DEPKA. May, exhibition of Photo-Painting- Text at STRETTO café (Tsimiski-Car. Diehl) at the group collaboration, “ a writer shoots, a photographer paints and a painter writes about the DREAM” with the writer Florakis Ilias and the painter Miliopoulou Alexandra. June, photo exhibition together with the photographer Pavlidis Avraam at the festivities MOTOPIGASIKA MOT.CL. PIGASOS at the paintings hall of the municipality of Drama. 2007 March, photo and word “LIGHT AND WORD ON BLACK BACKGROUND”, with the writer Ilias Florakis at exhibition ASH IN ART, at Mets. April, participation at the exposition COEXPRESSIONS at the gallery KONTI at Moshato. Three days of festivities with Sculpture, Theater, Dance and Poetry. December, participation at Cheap Art along with the Photography Center of Thessaloniki at gallery Tettix. 2008 March, participation at the photo exposition alog with the Photography Center of Thessaloniki and the Photograppers’ Association of Xanthi: “photography in the metamodern”. December, participation at Cheap Art along with the Photography Center of Thessaloniki at gallery Tettix. 2010 February, participation at the group photo exhibition at Ash in Art offering of works by 47 artists for Haiti. April, individual exhibition “The theatrical Ritsos” based on plays by texts of GIannis Ritsos during the Ritsos Year in 2009 at PUREbliss, Romvis 24? –?thens. July, participation at the group exhibition ARTogether of Bankit at six d.o.g.s. ?onastiraki- ?thens. ?ctober, «Moments of theater», individual exhibition at dellarte, Falirou 57-?thens-Koukaki. She also organised the children’s photography groups of the municipality of Ampelokipi with particpations at the exhibitions of Puplis’ photography at the Ph.C.Th. from 200 till 2004 with different groups from elementary school and Gimnasium of Ampelokipi municipality. Seminars: «Communication and education of deaf and hearing impaired persons ». By Mrs Mertzani, Special Educator of Deaf and Hearing Impaired Persons, , Master of Philosophy in DEAF STUDIES March 2003. Programme of Continouus Professional Instruction of Unemployed “ORGANIZATION OF CULTURAL EVENTS” from 13/12/2006 till 16/4/2007 at ??? AMACON. Awards: 3d award of theatrical play “The road to the woods or Teleportation” by the Panhellenic Writer’s Association, in January 2009. 1st award of quest novel for the work “AIR…” by the “CAFÉ OF IDEAS? in collaboration with UNSECO CLUB PIRAEUS AND ISLANDS, MINISTRY OF CULTURE, INTERNATIONAL WRITERS ASSOCIATION, December 2007. Award for her participation at the festivities of the Navy Week by the Navy Administration of Northern Greece, 2000 and 2001. 3d photography award at the competiotion of Adidas, «Are you in?», through the newspaper ATHENS voice, 2011.