About The Artist

The meditative and airy qualities of Alain BULLE's paintings reflect his fascination with the ephemeral and mystical qualities of the prevailing skies. Alain Bulle (b. 1964), is a French painter who trained at the École Régionale des Beaux-Arts in Besançon and cites Andre Oudet as the source for his aesthetic. However, Mister Newhalf’s compositions recall medieval devotional imagery as well as the Surrealist nature of Salvador Dali and the ethereal works of Giambattista Tiepolo. Dynamic gradations of various colors serve as backdrops to his compositions. The rough and hurried treatment of these gradations is reinforced by the gestural, dribbled application of bold reds, yellows, and greens. Through this element of the works, Mister Newhalf introduces the spectator to the cathartic aspect of his creative process. These compositional elements are then contrasted by the delicate white contours of his angelic figures and biomorphic forms. Whereas the background and sporadic drops of paint suggest emotional release, the detail of his angels and figurative forms evoke meditation, introspection, and prayer rning eastward, I kneel on the ground, with several linen cloths in front of me. With the cans of oil or acrylic paint open and the spatulas ready, I go into meditation by mentally positioning 4 angels around me: Michel to the right, Gabriel to the left, Uriel in front of me and Raphael behind me. I visualize the symbolism of each of them. When I come out of my meditation, I paint the layers of the background on every cloth very quickly; this gives the dynamic of the painting. I let it dry. I apply a glaze made of indistinct painting; and I let that dry. Then I start painting the suggested subject with a brush. I let this dry and, at the end, I varnish. website http://www.artmajeur.com/bulle