Artwork Description

Always there Framed 91 cm x 121 cm x 3 cm Enamels on wood (Pine)

0.0 x 0.0

Always there I have a favourite place where I love to walk, and notice the same Heron is always there. The bird said could we please talk, I have something very important to share. Listening to what nature has to say, I give the Heron my full attention. It states the blue sky is there every day, it’s not a form of re-invention. Do you know who you truly are? was my friends next question. You don’t have to go very far, to discover my next suggestion. Your inner self is like the blue sky, that co-exists with your outer self. Life experiences like clouds will pass by, but “ Life “ remains on your inner shelf. I said to my friend how do you know? that what you say is true. With the reply of you must go, to the empty space within you. I am a being that has no thought, where the mind has not evolved. Unlike a person who is caught, in a mind that remains unsolved. In the empty space of no thought, is where your blue sky resides. Let go of everything that’s taught, about what a conditioned mind hides. Baz Salmon 15.11.2018

Artwork Details

