Ade Ogundimu

Ade Ogundimu

About The Artist

Ade Ogundimu’s paintings are about life in general, His paintings explore the range of daily human life, concerned as much with life’s ironies and social injustices, as with its many joys. He paints what he can identify with, real situations. He attended the world renowned Yaba Art School in Nigeria and majored in Painting. Also read design and Photolithography at the University of the Arts London (London college of Printing) and as a natural course progression went back to read Printing in the same instituition. He later studied at Oxford University reading Pop Art, as taught by Ann Stiegltiz .His exposure to Professor Grillo and Mr. Kolade Oshinowo at the School of Art yaba College of Technology kindled within him a love of impressionism that would shape his work for the rest of his life. Ade thinks of art as a personal and deep expression of one’s own ideas. His work explores the poetry of texture, of shape, of color and light that envelop us everyday. His skills, and choices, are such that looking at his paintings reminds us, in a profound way, how much beauty and meaning can be found in our own lives. He is particularly noted for his dramatic brushwork and color. As a nature lover and avid outdoors person. He has also successfully married traditional African Painting with the contemporary genre. His native series is testimony to this.