by Diane Destiny

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ENERGY Earth makes energy. White chemical deposits, next to green pools where earth’s insides boil to the surface, bubbling up, releasing odorous gas. Global locales in places like Yellowstone, Rotorua. Thermal energy. Useful, but not enough. Rivers rush headlong, breathtaking, into corrals behind dams, energize gears to turn machines, turbines to create power for us, light to fight darkness and fear, communications.We talk to, watch each other. Water power. Good, but not enough. Greedy humans, we need more, more, faster. We must exceed nature, search for new energy sources. Reach up. Reach down. Up we find wind, sunlight, clean, Slow Down we find coal to burn, gas to burn, polluting our air, atmosphere, dirty. Fast. Me, you, all of us need to make small sacrifices, wise choices. Soon. By Joyce Stein

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