Jacqui Sieger

Jacqui Sieger

About The Artist

Born in the dorset fishing town of Swanage during the Second World War, where my father was one of the scientist working on Radar , then went on to pioneer colour TV in The States, where I grew up until I was 15years old. My first sight of my home land was on the ocean liner coming back to the white cliffs of Dover! It was not until I started at School that I discovered my love for Oil painting and colour. Although I manufactured clothes for ladies fashion in leather it was not until I retired from a busy working life that I started to paint again! Now my paintings have sold privately across the world and I am a self publishing Fine Art Artist painting romantic Impressionism. My web site is Www.jacquisieger.com. I have done the NEC SHOW in Birmingham and the Artexpo shows. I have developed a new weather proof printed composite for kitchens, swimming pools rooms, sunrooms and outside etc! I have many shops selling my greeting cards and prints. I have just updated my website within the last few weeks , all we have to do now is to name all the paintings on the site and post some new Oil paintings . 2015, has been busy with selling my greeting cards I all the local Postoffices and I have put a new large log cabin into the garden, so I can work without being intreupted! Next year I will be booking some art shows in the USA and some local Dorset Solo shows.